Part 55

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We have been driving for ages but somehow my mother keeps me occupied

She has been singing to the radio the whole time and all around just making sure I had a smile on my face for the whole of the car journey

I grabbed my phone and changed the song before throwing it back in the holder thing "I'm excited to see Liam it feels like years" she laughed

"It's only been a few months actually maybe a year I don't know" I laughed

"Well there's only about an hour left so" she smiled while clapping her hands

"Starbucks me mother" I sassed

She laughed and brung the straw up to my mouth, I took a sip before she put it back to the cup holder

"Your songs are shit sweetie" she moaned plugging her phone in

Songs of when me and Liam were kids came threw the speakers, I loved these songs because everyone of them held a special memory of my childhood

About 10 minutes past and we only had to cross the London Bridge and then travel a little more until we got to liams house

I was so nervous like so so so nervous to see him and Harry "relax sweetie" my mum soothed me

"I'm trying to hardest" I breathed keeping a tight grip onto the wheel

My mum stayed quite for another 10 minutes as she was tapping on her phone replying to an email I think

"We will be there in 20-" I said before gasping

My head my covered in sweat I could literally feel my self burning

The Lorry hit the side of our car making it spin and hit two other cars before tipping over my head hurt and blood came down my face

I looked over to Harry who had his eyes closed "Harry" I screamed and began to cry ignoring the amout of pain it caused me "no Harry please"

After about 5 minutes of crying ambulances and fire engines pulled up coming to our car "we have Harry styles and could you tell me your name" the paramedic asked

"It's Aaliyah Payne please he won't wake up" I cried

"I know we have another person Woking on him could you tell me if anything hurts" he asked

"No nothing just my head please get him im fine omg it's my fault" I cried

"It's not your fault we are going to get your out of here just stay with me ok" he said before a lot of fire fighters came and cut the car to get us out

They put Harry in the ambulance and me in the car I was so scared it's all my fault if I didn't ask him to come get me

"Aaliyah" my mum was screamed pulling me back to reality

My car was spinning so fast I looked over to my mum who had blood coming from her had and neck where the seat belt had cut her

I tried to get control of the car but I was no use it just kept spinning until I hit somthing hard and felt myself turn upside down but I was still moving

I put my head against the air bag and protected it with my arms

"Mum" I cried when the car stopped "no no no"

I screamed loud as I look round to her, her window was smashed and several bits of glass were in her head

It was the exact place me amd Harry crashed just I have a feeling mine and my mums is a little bit worse

"Hey sweetie erm how are you" a calm woman asked me

"My mum my mum" I cried

"Calm down the paramedics are on there way what happened" she asked me

"No no my mum" I sobbed

The woman stayed until the firemen and paramedics came

"Hello I'm Paul, I need you to stay calm and tell me your name and the woman's" the paramedic rushed

"My names Aaliyah Payne and my mums name is Karen Harris" I said trying to stay calm

"Are you hurt" Paul asked

"No but my mum is" I cried

"Right if you feel good enough you need to get out the car" Paul said after looking at the paramedics who were Sorting my mum out

"No I want to stay with my mum" I cried

"She will meet you in the hospital" he smiled

I got out in about 2 minutes and stood next to Paul while looking over to the other paramedic who shook his head

Paul looked at me with sympathetic eyes "you need to go over there to that car they will drive you to the hospital" Paul said before holding me and pulling me away

"Mum" I screamed kicking and punching Paul

"No" I sobbed as the paramedic put me in the car and drove me to the hospital

Once I was there I sat in the waiting room "do you have anyone I could call" a woman smiled at me

"My brother here's his number" I said throwing my phone on the desk

The buzzer went of and all the doctors that were standing around went to the doors "take her in there" one said to the receptionist

"Come one" she said once saying by to my brother

"Why" I said

"You need to" she said which basically means the buzzers for my mum

Aaliyah doesn't have very much luck driving back to London does she

Kisses xxx

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