Part 13

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I never finished my sentence and I don't think anyone really cares except from felicite she looked really upset but I would talk to her on the plane about it

I walked behind Liam on the plane Harry just behind me I could feel his eyes burning on me we were all on a row of 6 just the chairs were broken up into two

"Erm Louis do you mind if I sit next to felicite" I asked "you don't mind do you fizzy"

She nodded her head "I know I want you to sit next to me" Niall shouted over to Louis

I sat down her next to the window and Harry on the other side of me the only thing separating us was a metre pathway well this is going to be awkward

"I'm sorry for the way I acted" felicite finally spoke as we were going up in the air

"You didn't do anything" I shook my head

"Can we talk when we get in the apartment please" she asked as I nodded putting my head phones into my ears

I played infinity I know cringy but it reminds me of the first time I ever seen the boys live I smiled at the thought before rolling my eyes

I look beside me to see Harry twirling his thumbs I wanted to say something but not in front of felicite maybe when she is asleep

I was getting so bored like this plane flight was taking far to long I opened my laptop and played season 6 of the vampire diaries

Bye the time I had finished we were like 3/4 of the way there I hate flying it takes to long I look to my left and felicite is sleeping then I look to my right to see Harry flirty eyeing a girl on the other end of the plane

Jealousy hit me I new Harry was like this and I still went for it I found out what he done to felicite who was 13 at the time and still went for it I was so stupid

I threw my head back rushing my hands threw my hair "erm ally are you ok" Liam's voice spoke from about 10 feet away

"Yeh yeh fine just a bit hot and tired" I lied

"Go to sleep we still have an just over an hour left"

I took his advise leaning on fizzys shoulder closing my eyes but I didn't go to sleep I just kept thinking about Harry I don't know why but I just couldn't help it

After the longest hour ever of just looking out the window it was finally time to land I woke up felicite and held her hand so tight i learnt that just like me she hates landing

We both looked out the window as this happened to just see all the lights was amazing it was currently 2 am now I know why it's called the city that never sleeps

the journey to our apartment was quite short and so far no one has spoke about the incident in the airport and I'm glad

"Liam I'm Hungary" I moaned as the door bell rang

"Good there's the pizza" he laughed at me

I shouted to felicite and she came downstairs now in her pjammy shorts and loose tank top she looked so good all the time man like her legs were tanned and skinny like 2016 goals are what

The whole pizza eating is quite awkward Lis (felicite) is just sat on her phone taking like 1 bite every 2 minutes and Harry hasn't even looked at us

"New York is so amazing" I said looking out the big window behind us

"It is isn't it" Niall smiled putting his arm aroudb me squeezing me tight

"I'm tired I'm gonna go up" I smiled to everyone as they all nodded there head

I walked up the stairs and into the girls bathroom there were 3 all together one or me and Lis another for Liam and Niall and anither for Louis and Harry

I stood looking at myself in the mirror as the door opened I quickly picked up my tooth brush to make it look like I was doing something

"Hi ally" Harry said behind me

I turned round "no don't turn round it looks cute when I'm behind you" he smiled

"What do you want" I shook my head

"I'm sorry ally, I over reacted but I was so scared In case you said anymore" he breather moving my hair to one side placing a kiss on my neck

"Harry" I said furrowing my eye brows as he shushed me it felt good and right but I new it was wrong

"Stop it" I said a little louder as he grabbed on to me "" I shouted a little too loud pushing him back and hard again the door "what is wrong with you"

"Ah yeah wasn't that when you were all over me in my hotel" he said moving closer

I looked down my face was so soft and innocent just like his but I couldn't I had to leave

"What was that" Liam said walking in

Oooooo Harry can't keep his hands to himself or maybe it should be his lips

Who has heard Zayn Maliks new song because I'm literally in love I was so pissed when the interview about him saying her never really wanted to be in 1D came out but this song has made up for that

We are one step closer to the chapters of arguments and also the chapter of erm nah I'm leaving that a surprise wink wink

Kisses xxx

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