Part 42

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My classes started at 8 today which I kind of hated but I was really excited to see the girls I had text Emily quite a lot over the past few days

She told me about her boyfriend he's called Sam and he has a friend called Jake that like likes me but I like Harry in that way yno wasting my time but, I could never tell her that

I parked nialls car in the parking space and went to meet the girls in the main reception "oh where's Elise and Talia" I asked Emily

"They are in the bathroom the rain wrecked their make up Talia looked like a full blown panda" she laughed "oh there's Sam and Jake"

She bumped my arm making my head shoot up there way "hey babe" Sam smiled kissing em on the cheek so the fit one was Jake ooooo

Wait no you like Harry or do I, nah I think I do

"You must be Aaliyah" Jake smiled

He had a strong American accent, he also pronounced my name A-Leah instead of
A-lee-yah "hello Jake it's lovely to meet you" I smiled hugging him

Talia and Elise walked back up to us "hey how about we have a movie night at mine on Friday night we will order pizza and yous can stay over we have enough space in sure the boys won't mind" I smiled

"We can't this weekend me and elise have dance things we have to do it to end our lessons and for our last competition" Tal sulked

"Us 4 still can" Jake smiled

"I'm up" Emily smiled as Sam agreed with her

"Ok I will double check with Liam tonight just incase and give yous the details tomorrow, Come on em we will be late" I said looking at the clock

I sat in my business class thinking what I have done,I could always cancel... but I need to get to know these people. what would Harry think I mean it might look like a double date

No sure he wouldn't think of it like that we are just friends with feelings anyways he will be ok "miss Payne are you listening" the teacher said pulling me out of my thought

"Sorry miss A" I apologised your probably thinking OMG you can call her miss A, well she's married but going threw a divorce so she's still classed as Mrs Anderson but she would rather be called miss A I know confusing

The rest of the day went really really quick me and em spent our breaks with the boys which didn't bother me and el and Talia were somewhere in the building

I drove back to the house, the boys were thinking about getting a house each in London but not like really far away from eachother like 10 minute walk

"Liammmmm in home" I shouted

"In here" he shouted back from the kitchen

I walked into the room to see him and Harry oh great "is it ok if I have a few friends over on Friday night to watch movies and eat pizza" I asked

"Depends how many and who" he said taking the last sip of his Coke

"Me and 3 others, Emily, her boyfriend Sam and his friend Jake, Elise and Talia were going to come to but they have dance things" I shrugged

"I will I could dance" Harry spoke up to get my attention

His eye brows furrowed at me but I ignored him "so it's like a double date" Liam teased

"No no no" I said looking at Harry who looked quite hurt "I hardly even know Jake"

"Whatever I was a teenager once I'm happy for you, you haven't had a boyfriend in a while but I want to meet this Jake" Liam winked leaving Harry to leave the room

I gulped as he brushed past me "your stupid" I fake laughed at Liam before leaving and rushing after Harry

"Harry let me-" I started

"No don't explain your welcome to be with who ever you want I don't mind it will keep people of our chest try put pictures of yous on your social media account this is perfect" he fake smiled I new he wasn't ok with it but I new he didn't want to argue and neither did I so I took his advice gave him a hug and left

I hope I haven't wrecked everything

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