Let's Help

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Dedicated to:Jaitzaaaxd


I walked into the Honey Bee's meeting. I decided I would volunteer and help them during their craft show. After all, I use to be a junior honey bee myself.

I found a chair beside a little blonde girl and sat down. As I was helping her set up, I caught a glimpse of Dalton. At least I think I did. When I turned my head, I saw him hiding behind a plant....... Not very well.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with my hand on my hip.

"I'm just came to check up on my sister." He patted the little girl, whom I was helping, head.

"Actually, our mom forced him to be a den brother." She said matter-o-factly.

"So I guess your a honey bee now." U said patting him on the shoulder.

"I'm here to help sir!" He saluted me.

"Ha. Don't call ne sir. I'm a lady. Can you help me moisturize my lips?"

"I think so." Dalton said, gifting me with a kiss.

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