Fan Surprise+ TFIOS note

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Dedicated to: IM5loverforever12


Flowers? Check ✔

Balloons? Check ✔

Present? Check ✔

Sexyness? Triple Check ✔✔✔

One of our biggest fans were having a birthday party. Lucky for her, I decided I would show up. I mean, c'mon! Free cake!

I showed up to the venue where her party was being held and it was packed. I hope none of her friends were obsessive fangirlers that would recognize me.

When I finally found a parking spot, I grabbed all of her things and snuck through the back door.

I had to pass by a couple making out before I could find where the actual party was being held.

I saw her on the stage, thanking everyone for coming. Instantly, a video that I sent to her mom appeared on the screen and she started crying.

I quietly placed her gift on the present table and walked up behind her on stage. I tapped her shoulder and she squealed loudly when she turned around.

There were tears in her eyes and she seemed like the happiest girl on Earth.

"Has your dream come true yet?"

"Oh my god, YES!!" She said, hugging me tightly.

A/N: Have you read The Fault In Our Stars? Well, I'm going to say my opinion on it, the way Augustus would.

This was one of the best books that I have ever experienced but the end was very disappointing. Not because Gus's life came to an end but because, John Green decided to end the story as if it was An Imperial Affliction. Due to this, his intelligence has lessened under my view. I just finished The Fault in Our Stars. I did not cry, like most said I would. No liquid escaped my eyes to the be seething truth that came from reading this story. The ending seemed... Dumb. I do not understand what her choices are going to be and to find true love in death is to find nothing. So, John Green, imagining how you made Augustus such a romantic leads me to think that this journey is not yet finished. There must be a sequel. The Fault in Our Stars is my An Imperial Affliction and to wish that there shall be a sequel is appalling, because in fact, as Augustus Waters himself would put it, "The world is not a wish-granting factory."


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