Why Can't Things Be Perfect?

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Hello, my entire name is Rose Marie Love, most people would think I would be lucky in love because of my name but it is the opposite. Nothing in my life has gone right. I was not even supposed to be born, my parents did not care ever and they recently died because I asked them to pick my up from a party and on their way they got into a really bad car accident. It was a head on collision with a drunk driver, who just so happened to be coming from the party I was at. Everyone is calling my bloody rose the murderer, and asks whom I will strike next. I mean sure I did not like my parents but I wouldn’t want them dead. And to make matters worse my only friend I ever had that knows everything about me left, she just went missing, and it is apparently my fault. Therefore, everyone’s after me, but I have to go I will tell you more later.

Hey all, my name is Daisy Lynn Hate, odd name right. Well anyway, I’m an only child and exactly what my parents wanted. My best friend’s name is Rose Marie Love, well she is my only friend but I could not tell her what happened, or what would happen if I continued to talk to her, so I just went away. If I didn’t she would have had to “pay” although I was never told what exactly would have happened to her. I miss her more than anything, and I know it was not her fault that her parents died even if everyone else thinks it is. I hope that they will take her far away from this awful place and one day we will get to talk again. Bye for know

Yo what up? My name is Axel Zane Wilford, not the nicest name in the world but quiet original. My parents found it in a book of odd names. Nevertheless, it fits me, although I never knew why they choose to pick odd names for me cause a few months after I was born they died. No one in my family would take me in; they all thought I was some sort of curse. I know nice family right? Well I guess that’s okay because I now live in an orphanage, no one will adopt me or even look to. I am about 16 everyone who comes here wants cute little babies, not sixteen year old boys who have long black hair that hangs in their face or piercing. Another thing that could be keeping them away is that no one else in my very large family, I had seven uncles and aunts, would take me in. They all probably think I’m a problem child or something. I have seen many people come and go, none staying for a long time, I have the only customized room in the whole place, I guess they gave up on me ever being adopted. Well I guess I will talk to you later, but no promises.

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