Chapter SIx; Today I Die

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Hey all its Daisy here again.

 So a lot has happened to Rose lately, but I couldn’t help but feel bad.

You see nothing is as it seems.

 I can’t explain anything to you without putting everyone’s life on the line.

 But I do know what’s really going on and what is supposed to happen.

 I also know that somehow I have to stop it.

I’ve always been a schemer but this was way out of my league.

 I’m dealing with thing that you have never heard about.

People who are more powerful then everyone in the universe put together.

 I’ve said too much already, but you really need to know.

Axel is a good guy, although he isn’t every good at making people feel better.

 Yes I have been keeping an eye on Rose, every day I watch just to make sure that nothing bad happens to her.

So far everything is going well, she is a little happier now then she was before.

 But for me I’m miserable I miss my best friend and I hate how everyone was blaming her for my disappearance.

  I also hate how I could never tell her about these kinds of things.

 Like for example I’m being forced to marry the worlds meanest person, he literally got an award for it, he isn’t even cute.

No one cares that he beats me up, Rose saw the bruises once and was concerned but I had to lie and say that I got into a really bad bike accident.

 And to make matters worse I’m in-love with someone else although his identity can’t be reviled you’ll meet him soon.

But I can tell you he is ubber dubber sweet he sends me daisy that are beautiful and writes me poetry.

 He has to be the world sweetest guy.

 Unfortunately we have never been able to go on a date, and I’ve never actually met this mystery man.

If I ever did meet him and my dad or the guy that I’m being forced to marry found out they would kill him without a second thought.

 But I’ve manages to keep him a secret now for about seven years.

It makes me depressed knowing that I have never been able to write back to him, he has never put a return address on anything he has sent me.

 But I know that one day I will meet him and we will get married.

Or at least I hope that is what will happen.

 But I doubt that I will get my fairytale ending.

 I hope Rose will get hers I know that she has been dreaming about it since we were little girls.

 She use to describe the kind of person she wanted to be with using so much detail it was almost like she knew who he was.

But no one we knew ever matched the description. 

Maybe she use to secretly get note from someone and fell for them too.

Although I highly doubt that, she told me everything and never once did she mention having a crush on anyone. 

 Which makes it all the more shocking that she actually blush and cared about Axel, she never blushed not even when the most popular guy in our old school hit in her.

Maybe Axel was the guy that she always imagined falling for.

Awe they would be so cute together.

Other than that everything around here is the same; I spend all day being locked up in my room, being allowed to look over Rose but not being able to have any communication with her.

 They all think that I will somehow ruin their plan, even though that’s what I’m trying to do I couldn’t tell them that, so I pretended to be offended and stormed off to my room.

That’s exactly what they wanted, so for one month now I’ve been locked up here getting my food delivered to me.

It sound like they are pampering me but really they have taken everything away from me.

 We’re lucky that I’m even able to be telling you what’s going on.

Every night my soon to be husband, whom I hate with a burning passion, comes up to my room and tortures me. 

But lately he hasn’t been coming up to the room and for that I’m grateful.

 I knew I need a plan to get out of here soon well I still could but I couldn’t think of anything, we were to high up to jump and there was nothing that I could use to get to the ground, the door was locked and no one outside of it was going to help me.

 So I was stuck here. Wearing the same old dirty cloths bound to watch what every they have plan and forced to breath in stale air, not that I wanted to breathe any more.

That’s when my plan came to me. If I killed myself I would become a ghost and then I could fly out and save Rose and Axel and I would be out of this place forever.

 No one would be able to hurt me, but also whoever was writing those letters and sending the flowers would never get to love me.

As I thought about it I started crying, why this had to happen to me.

 That’s when the letter appeared in my hand I read it, it was short and sweet.

 Dear my darling Daisy,

I’ve been talking to you now for seven year, I was nine when I first fell for you. Through these seven years I have watched you blossom into a beautiful young lady with a kind heart. Even if you die I would still love you. I know you want to save your friend. So go ahead, besides I am no stranger to suicide.  Soon we will be together



After reading the note, I had to re-read the last few lines over again.

 Suddenly it clicked in my head who this person was and I knew I loved him.

I was in-love with a ghost who could send me letters.

I knew I was doing the right thing as I swallowed a bunch of random pills I found.

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