Chapter Seven; Nightmare

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I walked into Axel’s room by accident; I just wanted to see what was on the other side of the door in the bathroom.

Looks like I would have to be careful every time I went in there.

 I was the only other one besides him who had a room to themselves.

 And we had our own personal bathroom. 

That was pretty cool I have to admit, or at least to me it was you see I never had my own bathroom before and my room was the size of a closet.

I stood in the door wondering what to say to him.

 I knew I hurt him when I didn’t say anything to him but I needed time to cool down.

“What’s going to happen to me?” I asked afraid of the answer, with tears welling up in my eyes.

“I don’t know to be exact but you’ll probably be adopted in the next few days. Hopefully to a good family but we never know what will happen when pretty girls come here.”

 I could tell he was keeping something from me, something bad.

 I thought about what he said for a minute, I knew what he was talking about but I didn’t want to go back to that life.

I had just gotten out of it two months ago, and I still had the scars and bruises to prove it.

 More tears started to come to my eyes but I fought the urge to cry, that was until Axel reached out and hugged me rubbing my back.

I knew he was trying to make me feel better but I broke into tears anyway.

 I couldn’t understand why he wanted to make me feel better, when all I had done is hurt him and I hadn’t even known him for an hour.

 But here he was hugging my and rubbing my back until the tears subsided.

 He let go of me looking at me to make sure I was okay; I wipe my face and sniffled a few times.

 I looked at him only to find out that I ruined his shirt.

“I’m sorry I ruined your shirt I’ll give you money for a new one” I said quickly and started to pull out my wallet but a hand stopped me.

I looked up at Axel confuse, I felt sparks fly through my skin my heart started fluttering and my stomach was flipping around like a fish on dry land.

 “Don’t, it looks cooler this way” he whispered.

 I finally realized how close we were one tiny little step and our lips would meet; two and our bodies would be touching.

 I think he noticed to cause he backed away a little bit, I guess he didn’t like me like that.

I sighed quietly slipping my wallet back into my pocket.

 I noticed that he was still looking at me, but he seemed to be deep in thought.

 I zoned out trying to remember the exact way he looked at this moment I knew later on when I couldn’t get him out of my mind I would draw him.

He looked so perfect.

I was broken out of my gaze when he spoke.

“You probably shouldn’t talk to me if you don’t want to be made fun of tomorrow.”

I was shocked by this, who could pick on a guy who looked like a god, who was so sweet and innocent that he wouldn’t even let me give him money to replace his shirt I ruined.

 “They won’t like me anyway not after they learn about my past” I declared trailing off at the end.

I didn’t want him to ask question but I knew it was too late, I spoke without thinking again.

I was silently cursing at myself for losing probably the only friend that I could have here.

To my surprise he just looked at me and simply said “you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”

 It was my turn to comfort him, I quickly grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, gently rocking back and forth.

 Telling myself not to cry along with him. 

 After a few minutes he calmed down, I wasn’t sure what I should say I never saw a guy cry before.

 “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked slightly backing away expecting that within the next five second I would get a slapped or something worse.

 He looked kinda shocked when I asked him that but even more so when I backed away.

Axel’s hand rose and I filched bracing myself for the pain.

His hand touch my shoulder and I shouted out slightly then stopped.

 He wasn’t going to hit me for asking him if he wanted to talk about it.

 His eyes burned through mine as he looked deeply into them, and probably into my soul.

I felt as if he could read my every thought.

“You’ll see for yourself tomorrow what I’m talking about. Why are you all the sudden a nervous wreck?”

 I couldn’t bring myself to tell him my whole life story the first night I was here but I didn’t want to mot respond and make him mad at me again either.

 “I thought you were going to slap me…” I said leaving the explanation out.

I gave him a pleading look begging him not to ask me to explain why, at least not tonight.

“I would never hit you or any other girl” he said.

I could tell by the look in his eyes all he said was true, he would never hit me.

I looked at him and suddenly realized how tired I was but I didn’t want to get up.

 I knew I was about to ask too much of him but I couldn’t help it, I was afraid to sleep in my own room tonight. Without thinking I said

“Can I sleep with you tonight?” he looked at me confuse taking him a few seconds to understand what I meant.

 “Sure but only if you tell me why” he bargained.

 I was too tired to object

“This is the first time I haven’t been near or had someone watch over me as I sleep for a month. And I’m scared to be alone in my room.” 

 I explained even though I had to stop a few times to yawn.

He nodded and we both got on our ends of the bed.

 I knew that I wouldn’t sleep for long before I had that awful nightmare again.

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