Chapter Twelve; One Year

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“It’s been a year since Rose Marie Love went missing, I still think of her every day. I dream of her every night. In the one day I spent with her, we got into multiple fights of which I am ashamed of. But in that one day she changed my life drastically."

 "I use to think I was all alone, the only one to not be wanted by family. But she showed me that there are more people out there just like us. She gave me knew confidence which I never had; she wasn’t ashamed to be with me."

 "Though we spent most of our time fighting, we were there for each other when needed. The night of her disappearance, is a night I will never forget."

 "She opened up to me that night and told me her life story, or at least most of it. I never got to tell her mine in return. I take on full responsibility for her disappearance. If I had been more alert I could have saved her, but instead I was knocked out. It was the confidence that she gave me, that made me leave to go find her."

" She will always hold a special place in my heart; she was the little sister I never had.”

I closed at her funeral, not that the cops had found her body or anything.

But it had been a year the chances of her being alive were slim to none.

Never will I forget about the girl who made me become alive.

 I can’t imagine what would have happened if I never had met her.

 I probably wouldn’t have any feelings just like before.

 Although I sometimes feel like my life is over, that everyone who gets close to me gets hurt, I won’t do anything to harm myself.

That’s not what Rose would have wanted; she would have wanted me to live a full happy life.

Right here in the town I grow up in, mostly I’m staying in hopes that she will return.

 Even if it’s highly unlikely.

I can still hope.


 Everyone who lives in Sweet Home, Oregon came today in honor of her.

People who I had never talked to before were coming up and giving me hugs, apologizing for my loss.

 Most of them I hugged back, after wiping my eyes, trying to avoid getting my salty tears on their clothes.

 To show people what she looked like we blow up a picture of her and me the day we met.

 Right before we went to bed.

It’s clear to see that happiness in the room.

The lack of worry that anything bad would happen.

I placed a rose where her grave was, it was still hard to imagine her being gone.

 I felt like I was going to wake up any second now and she her smiling face at the end of my bed.

Each time I thought about this a fresh wave of tears spilled out of my eyes, landing on the single rose I held.

 I would be the last person to but a rose down, although I think mine might be drowned in tears before then.

The last person puts down there flowers all too soon, slowly I walk up to her grave.

 The tears rapidly pouring down my face, I knelt down and place the rose on top of everything before breaking down.

 The wind started to pick up blowing my hair across my face.

 Just in time I look up to see only my rose being blown away.

 I had to be a good sign.

I mean come on, only the rose flew away.

 I got up and ran after it.

 By the time it had dropped to the ground I was a good mile out of town, by a little creek.

The rose floating on its crystal clear surface.

 Nothing, she wasn’t here it was all an odd happening.

It wasn’t a sign from above.

“Axel, is that you?”

“Great now I’m hearing things to, this has to be the cruelest thing that has ever happened to me,” I muttered quietly.

“You do realize that I can hear ever word you say. Right?” the voice questioned me.

I had never heard that voice before, I started thrashing around looking for its source. But there was nothing.

“Who and what are you?” I asked getting slightly scared Marjory paranoid.

“Axel, its Daisy. Rose’s best friend. Well I can’t blame you for not knowing. Anyway I’m a ghost.” said the voice, or should I say Daisy’s ghost.

That’s not creepy at all.

 I started to think about it, only the rose move and it came right to this creek.

Where no one would find me.

“It was you who moved the rose wasn’t it.” I said slightly pissed off. 

I heard a giggle.

 “This isn’t a laughing matter. Do you think it’s funny to get a guys hopes up only to crush them?” I asked now extremely annoyed with her.

“ Hey, don’t yell at me, I just thought it was funny how it took you so long to figure everything out. I mean come on you have Rose’s magic book. It talks about this kind of stuff on the first page. And don’t pretend that you haven’t read it, I’ve seen you reading it.”

Okay this was getting a lot creepier then I thought, she saw me read it.

“What do you want with me?” I asked slightly afraid of the answer.

 I have seen movies like this were the person dies.

I don’t want to die, even if it means being with Rose again.

“I just came here to tell you that Rose is still alive, she misses you and will be back to you. Once she finishes the task at hand.”

My heart took a leap; there would always be hope in life.


This is the end of part one. The Sequel will be out in like a few minutes or something. it's called "No Pain, No Game" I hope you enjoyed this story. Commetn and vote please :3

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