Chapter two; the begining of the end

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Well I’m in for another day of hell, or as it’s so cheerfully called Southwest Prep Academy.

 I bet most of you are thinking I live somewhere in the southwest but you would be surprise to hear I don’t.

I live in the North east of America.

Weird right?

But why are you even thinking that a single thing in my life would make sense.

 Anyway, I’m living in New Hampshire but the town I live in isn’t important, let’s just say its small and thing get around here too fast for my liking.

I have been here my whole life, although no one ever liked me.

Why, because when I was younger instead of liking rainbows and unicorns I like piercing and tattoos, I still do although I haven’t gotten around to getting a tattoo yet but I did get spider bites and my nose pierced.

My hair on the other hand was red and black, it probably help people decide that they wanted to call my bloody rose, but whatever I thought it was cool looking.

I never had a boyfriend let alone a crush on someone, the only person who was like me in any way was Daisy.

 I still find it odd that we were both named after flowers and our lives were opposites.

Daisy was the child her parents always wanted, she had multiple boyfriends and broke all of their hearts, not on purpose but by accident she just never felt the same way that they felt about her.

Anyway, it’s time for me to head to school, lucky for me I only had to stop by and get my work and nobody dared beat me up.

I got a bad vibe as I entered the school, probably just my imagination.

 Well let me tell you I’m glad I hadn’t listened to that bad vibe.

 It was 7:40 no one should have been at school yet except for the teachers, just like every day when I come to get my work.

 After being stopped on the street and having stuff thrown at me, well people yelled taunts and threats.

Well today I didn’t even get a foot past the front entrance when police officers stepped out.

God only know what they want now, they have been following me ever since my parents died, they followed me and took note as if I was some animal at a science lab that they were experimenting on.

 Every day I ignored them letting them do whatever they want.

However, today felt different.

“Rose Marie Love, you’re coming with us”

 I didn’t bother saying anything I mean what was the point I just turned around and followed them to their car.

 I didn’t know what I did, but I knew whatever they thought I did, I didn’t do and they know it.

 I only went out once a day at 7:35 for a five-minute walk to school where I got my work and was home by 7:50 at the latest, depending on if people stopped to harass me.

 They knew because that sat at my house watching waiting for me to make one wrong move.

Maybe this was a good thing and as if to answer me one of the cops said “you’re not in any trouble” but that was it they acted like nothing was said at all.

 We soon arrived at the police station.

 Apparently people from the state came here because they “wanted” to talk to me.

 I doubt they wanted to I bet they had to cause their job depended on it.

 Most of the time when someone’s parents die they get in touch with that person that day.

 It had been two long hard months.

For the first month, Daisy was here, and I went to school every day.

 I missed her.

 After she disappeared the cops started to follow me and people were saying,

 “Bloody rose struck again, her friend wasn’t good enough for her”

I don’t know why everyone thinks that I made her go away, why would I put myself through all the pain. 

Anyway I got to the person from the state they told me the best news I heard my whole life.

 “Pack your bags you going to an orphanage out of state” and with that she left.

 I started jumping for joy, until I realized that she said orphanage not a home or to a family member, but leaving the state was good enough for me.

 I ran home and pack everything I had into a few bags, what can I say I didn’t own that much.

I was brought to the airport and told someone would be there to pick me up and bring me to the orphanage; I just nodded my head and was off.

 I wonder if there will be any other sixteen year olds there.

 Probably not but I can hope right?

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