chapter 2- it's a god damn ball not a wedding ring

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chapter 2-it's a god damn ball not a wedding ring


"Molly" I called out with a whistle and that was followed by a bark from my dog Molly.

Molly ran towards me and I slipped off my shoes before she leaped onto me and I gave her pets and kisses on the head.

When I was 14, there was a lady that lived beside our house and she was Molly's owner. That was until I discovered that she was abusing Molly, she wasn't feeding her, taking care of her, or even paying attention to her. One time I was looking outside and for once in her whole entire life she was taking Molly for a walk, Molly gave her owner a kiss on the face and the lady wacked Molly hard on the nose.

I rescued Molly and begged my parents to let me keep her and they accepted after I told them the story.

So I've had her since I was 14.

I rubbed her behind her ears and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. Molly followed behind me to the kitchen as usual, in the kitchen was my mom.

I smiled as I saw her chopping up vegetables and she looked up at me with a smile "What are you upto?" I asked. I walked over to the counter she was chopping the vegetables on and I sat on the stool on the other side.

"Making dinner" she answered "Will you be joining us?" She asked and I shrugged "I don't know, I think so" I answered. I felt a nudge on my hand from a wet nose and my mom laughed as she looked at Molly nudging my hand.

I pet her as I felt her fur in between my fingers "She loves you" my mom commented "The most" I added with a proud smile and she laughed "Yes she does" she said.

She lied down at my feet and I smiled down at her "Where's Kendra?" She asked "At her house, she couldn't come over her parents have to talk to her about something" I explained. My mom nodded understandably "So your stuck with us for the night?" My mom asked and I laughed "Yes mom" I said.

"When's dad coming home?" I asked and she shrugged "He should be here soon" she said.


"So what did your parents talk about?" I asked "You don't need to answer if you don't want to" I quickly added realizing it's not my business.

Right now I'm just at Kendra's house and I'm staying the night because I thought I would keep her company because her dad is working a night shift and her mom is out with her friends.

"Nah, I'll tell you" she said and she sat criss cross apple sauce across from me on her bed "Really?" I asked and she smiled "Ya of course" she said.

"But it's very sad" she said with a sigh and my smile quickly turned into a frown "Well out with it" I said jokingly and she laughed. "Okay I'm moving" she said and I gasped.

My best friend, leaving.

My breath hitched in my throat and tears threatened to pour and I didn't know I actually cried until I felt a wet drop fall down my cheek. Kendra gasped and wiped the tear "Sweetie I'm just kidding" she said with a laugh.

I became very happy but then got a little angry and I hit her in the arm making her laugh "Wow" I mumbled.

"Well what's the news" I asked and she frowned "My cousin Kaden is coming to live here for the summer" she explained.

"When is he coming?" I asked and Kendra frowned "I just told you for the summer" she said and I laughed "I meant what day is he arriving?" I asked and she laughed.

"My mom said he is coming on Friday" she said and today is Wednesday. "Is he cute?" I asked and Kendra scoffed trying not to laugh "You have a crush" she said and my face wrinkled in confusion "What?".

"Well since you have a crush on Watermelon, I didn't think you could just go around wondering if people are cute" she explained " Well I'm not dating Watermelon" I said "Yet" I added quickly making her laugh.

"Okkkaaayy" Kenna said making me laugh, "So what shall we do?" I asked and Kendra smiled. "Let's go to the beach" Kenna said and I smiled "Yay" I screamed and she laughed knowing I love the beach.


"Why aren't you any good at this?" I asked jokingly at Kendra cause we are playing volleyball on the beach and this is the 7th time I threw it and she missed it.

"It's not my fault that you give me terrible throws" she said with a frown and I laughed knowing she was kidding considering my throws were good. She's just very bad at volleyball but she excels at basketball.

Kendra put the volleyball in our small beach bag and we sat on our towels that we lied out on the sand in the sun.

I sat on the towel, my legs spread out in front of me, my aviator sunglasses on and I looked down at my turquoise and purple striped bikini.

Kendra was wearing a purple bikini with a black t-shirt over it because she doesn't like reveling herself to the sun. Her aviator sunglasses, matching mine were over her eyes and she had her blonde hair tucked in a messy bun.

I ran my fingers through my wet brown hair that was on fleek right now. "Look who's here" Kendra said with a smirk on her face and I looked over to where she was looking at and I saw Will.

He was playing volleyball and killing it as usual with his blue swim shorts on and his dirty blonde hair was wet. He was playing with one of his closest friends Ty, and I laughed as Will missed the ball and it keep flying near me.

The ball landed a few inches away from Kendra and I and she smirked "Go give it to him" she said and I nodded "He can get it" I mumbled but truth was I really wanted to get it.

It's just that I'm very nervous "It's a god damn ball not a wedding ring" Kenna said making me laugh. I stood up and grabbed the volleyball ball and I looked up to see Will running towards me. I stopped dead in my tracks as I watched him run towards me but it ended very soon when he stopped in front of me talking the ball.

"Here" I barley made out and he took the ball and ran back not bothering to say anything else. "You could have said thank you" I yelled back and he turned around "Thanks Ashley" he yelled back and he went back to his game.

I walked back to Kendra with with a frown on my face "He called me Ashley" I mumbled and she laughed "Okay we really do need a plan" she snickered.

She jumped up and grabbed my wrist while she ran over to Will and Ty. "Kenna what are you doing?" I asked and she shrugged "You'll see" she said.

We reached the guys and they were in the middle of the game but thankfully Ty didn't hit it so he had to chase the ball. Kendra smiled evilly "Hey you!" She said to Will and he didn't turn around as he was looking at the lake and his back was toward us.

"Is this kid death?" She whispered and I laughed "Hey you!" She yelled and he turned around "Yea" he answered looking at me with his brown eyes. "Im Kendra and this is Noelle" she said and he nodded "Cool" he said "Hurry up Ty" he yelled to his friend.

This was going to be a lot harder than I had planned.

Authors Note;
Hey everyone, so did you guys like it I hope you did.

I changed the cousins name from Hayes go Kaden cause I like it better.

The picture attached to this chapter is of Noelle's dog Molly.

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