chapter 9- my brown hair

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chapter 9- my brown hair


After visiting with my grandparents for a while I toured over to my Aunt Sapphire and my two cousins.

Sapphire, my aunt was wearing a long black dress, black flats, and her short blonde bob was left down. Her frame was small standing short and pretty skinny. She's my mom's sister, they've always come down for Christmas and the odd March Break. My two cousins Aubrey and Anita are pretty young at 8 years old but I find them pretty unique as they are identical twins. They both wore their long blonde hair in a braid down their backs, cute black sandals, and a black ruffle dress.

I walked over to them meeting my aunt's gaze first as she gave me a small smile but I could see her red puffy eyes similar to mine. "Look girls it's Noelle" she said looking at me and both of the girls heads turned to me.

The two girls ran over to me and wrapped their arms around my thighs since that's all they could reach making my aunt and I laugh. I wrapped my arms around both of them "Hey girls" I said and they both unwrapped from me and stood in front of me "Hey Noelle" they said in unison.

"May everyone please find a seat" I heard Olympia's voice echo out, giving a quick nod to my aunt she directed her children to a seat. I found a seat in the front row beside me grandparents but I sat beside my grandpa and an empty space which I think belonged to Olympia.

"We are here because of a tragic accident that has happened in this family" she started as she looked at everyone in the room. Her eyes brimming with tears and sniffles were heard all about, "My mom Eleanor Gibbs was a kind hearted person she would do anything for her family. Anytime she saw a donate money box she'd slip in any change she had because she knew it would make a difference. She went through school to become nurse and did she pursue that dream, yes she did. My mother was a very successful person and we all knew times were hard for her when she was a teenager being harassed at one point. But none of us could've changed that my grandparents, Sue and Tom you guys are wonderful parents." She said now completely crying along with everyone in the room.

"Now for my dad Taylor Gibbs, at the age of 10 he wanted to become a lawyer when he was older. He was one of those people who always worried about the future, he wanted to know who he was going to marry, if he'd have kids, what grades he would get in high school. That all matter the most to him, he was like a nerd but when he met my mom he forgot about all of that. She made him focus on the present, that's what he needed to do. He was a very funny person he used to joke around with Noelle and I all the time, I loved him for that and I still do love him" she choked out tears streaming down her face.

"Now my sister Noella" she said as she made her way to the seat beside me. I stood up my legs felt as though they were jelly my eyes were a puffy red mess, tears still streaming down. I stood beside my parents caskets and turned to the room of family, the only family I had now.

"I never wanted to end up at my parents funeral, never would I imagine that their life got cut so easily. They got taken away from me so easily it's like the person in the other vehicle didn't care that this would happen. But really who blames them, today we live in a society where people look at life as, my family's happy and healthy so I don't care. When an accident happens they don't care because they know they're family's safe, but one day that's not going to be the case one day it'll be their family in the car accident." I choked up as I explained.

"I used to feel that way, I used to say 'That's not my sister, aunt, mom, dad, cousin, uncle, grandma, grandpa, or friend so why should I care'. That right there is the harsh reality but you never really look deeper and think about how the family that does have someone in the accident is feeling your selfish. But so I am. Only our family cares about how our family got hurt, that I lost my mother and father. But that's life, and it's not fair" I finished off with tears and sobs spilling out of me as I sat down.


I stood outside my door with my black tights that reached my ankles and classic converse shoes. My dark blue lace tanktop with a black leather jacket over top. My brown hair was tied up in a ponytail and my makeup consisted of mascara and eyeliner.

It's Friday night, the night of the bonfire at the beach with Ty and Will and other people I knew from school. Right now I'm just waiting for Kendra and Kaden because they're picking me up and we are going together.

I heard a car approaching and Kendra's 2004 Chevy impala pulled into my driveway. I walked down the stairs and to the car hopping in the back seat. "Hey" Kendra said as I slipped in closing the door and putting in my seatbelt. "Hey" I replied "Sup" Kaden said in the drivers seat giving me a nod.

"Sup?" Kendra asked making me laugh "We're not having 'sup' yet" she said putting air quotions around sup. "Oh be quiet" Kaden said as he headed to the beach "So are you two playing dress up?" Kenna asked.

My face and Kaden's scrunched up in confusion "What?" I asked and she sighed "Are you slipping on the ring?" She asked main me even more confused "Huh?" Kaden asked. "Oh for god sakes are you being a fake couple" she explained annoyed. I laughed with Kaden finally understanding "Well duh" I said and Kaden nodded parking the car.

I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door and slid out of the car closing the door behind me. Kaden and Kendra walked on ether side of me with Kaden holding my hand. When we reached the beach front there was a decent amount of people hanging out around the beach. They were all tucked in a small corner with a pinic table, a tree, and a small bonfire. The bonfire seemed controlled and safe as we approached it, Kendra tapped me on the shoulder making me stop walking and so did Kaden. "I'm going to go hangout with Mona and a couole of other girls" she said and I nodded "Don't drink any alcohol" she warned walking over to the picnic table.

I directed Kaden over to a log near a concrete wall outlining some of the beach. I sat on the log and leaned against the wall "Come sit" I said and Kaden nodded planting down beside me on the log. I looked up at the sky it was dark buy I could still see everything and the sun was starting to go down.

"Elle" Kaden mumbled "Uh huh" I answered and I turned to look at him but it turns out he was already looking at me. Our faces were centimeters apart and his hit breath tickled my face "Never mind" he breathed out looking away. Kaden stood up "I'm going to go get a drink" Kaden said "Want one?" He asked and I shook my head "Thanks though" I added. I learned it's safe to not have any drinks at parties because you can never be sure if the drink is safe or not. I looked up again to not see Kaden anywhere meaning he probably found the drinks.

"Hey Noelle" a voice shouted and I looked towards the bonfire to see a shadow walking towards me. The body was lean and looked tall as the person reached me I noticed it was a guy and he was clearly drunk.

I stood up to study the guy, he had a bit of freckles, brown spiky hair, blue eyes. I realized that he goes to my school but I have no idea how he is "Who are you?" I asked. His breath picked up and he stepped closer to me and I stepped back.

I was terrified, I mean this guy is drunk and I don't know who he is. "I'm Cam" he mumbled clearly intoxicated as he grabbed my shoulders. Even though he's drunk his grip is strong as I tried to shake put of his hold "Struggling only makes it worse" he stated digging his nails into my skin.

I yelped at the pain raging through my shoulders "Don't make a sound" he hissed as he put his hand over my mouth. He wreaked of alcohol and my nose went up in flames as the smell burned. I didn't want to aggregate him because who knows what he would do so I rose my hand and gently took his off my mouth.

"How do you know my name?" I asked but I got no answer because without warning he cupped my face and sloppily put his lips on mine. I wanted to scream, to rip out of his touch but it was no use. The kiss was awful and it got worse when moved one of his hands to my butt. I internally screamed as I was being violated and no one came to help. But people probably assumed we were just kissing like I wanted him to but I didn't, at all.

That's when I wondered, why hasn't Kaden came back yet? I really wanted to have Will come save me but that wouldn't happen. I needed someone, anyone. But all the anger just collected inside of me they thought that my parents are dead because of a drunk driver, the way that I just let someone do all this to me let them think they have that much power over me.

I collected all my anger and I smashed my palms of my hands onto his chest.

Authors Note; picture attached to this chapter is of Will who is played by Burkely Duffield.

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