chapter 7-it's gonna be okay

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chapter 7 - it's gonna be okay


My hands shook crazily as I looked out the window in my room. Tears streamed down my face as I sat on my window seat on my comfy cushion.

I couldn't sleep I've tired but it's no use. I turned around and stared at my alarm clock beside my bed. Bright red writing said 2:57 and I haven't slept a wink.

I looked out the window just waiting for my parents to speed up the driveway, but I knew it wouldn't happen. No matter how much I wished and prayed for it, it didn't happen.

I turned around and got up from the window seat and I walked downstairs. I heard clicks on the hardwood floor and I looked up to see Molly trotting towards me. I reached down and rubbed her head, I walked into the kitchen and Molly followed me.

I heard Molly's sharp loud bark so I turned around to see her sniffing my dad's grey winter coat. I didn't know what to think as Molly looked at me and cocked her head, she wanted to know where they are.

"They're not here" I whispered and Molly kept looking at me "And they aren't coming back" I whispered. My eyes stung as more tears spilled from my eyes and Molly ran towards me. She had something in her mouth and I screamed as I saw my father's grey winter coat in her mouth.

She dropped it at my feet and I screamed making her wince and bark. "They aren't coming back" I screamed and I dropped onto the ground. I curled up into a ball crying as I kept repeating "they aren't coming back" as I kept screaming and crying. I wrapped my arms around my knees as I pulled them close to my chest and kept rocking.


I heard a faint knock on the door but I was too weak to move as I spent the rest of the night on the floor.

Tears flowed freely from my eyes and I looked around to see Molly in her bed in the living room still sleeping. The door slowly opened and my eyes were too watery for me to see who was there "Noelle?" A voice questioned closing the door. I wiped my tears away as the person slipped off their shoes and rushed towards me "Noelle?" the voice asked again.

I looked up to see Kendra looking down at me with confusion in her eyes. "Kendra" I choked out and she lowered herself onto the floor plopping down beside me as I sat against the wall. Kendra leaned against the wall and looked me trying to figure out what happened "What happened?" She asked and sobs escaped my mouth "My parents died" I explained between sobs.

Her face instantly went from confusion to sympathetic as her eyes soften and tears brimmed in her eyes "Oh Elle" she said softly. She rubbed my back as I cried tears dripping down her shirt.


I sat on the couch beside Kendra snuggled up in blankets as we watched movies. I wasn't paying attention to any of them, how could I?

My mind was racing as my mind flashed back to calling Olympia before this all happened how happy she sounded. How happy I would've been if that phone never rang, if I didn't get the call. Then I remember one thing, I never called Pia back, I haven't checked my phone since I found out about my parents.

"What's got you so worked up?" Kendra asked and I then realized my hands were shaking again and I was sweating. "I forgot to call Pia back" I stated and Kendra sighed sadly "She doesn't know, does she?" Kenna asked and I nodded "I have to tell her" I said.

How could I just come out and my tell my sister, the one who love our parents just as much as I do, that they're dead? My heart started beating faster as I realized that my dad wouldn't be there to walk me down the aisle, I wouldn't have my parents gushing over how old I'm getting after I graduate. I wouldn't have my mom hug me so tight that I could barley breathe after I stayed out past curfew and she thought I was lost. I wouldn't have my dad to scare off boys I date, I wouldn't be able to taste my dad's special birthday cake he made for me every year because no one else can make it like he does. I wouldn't be able to feel motherly comfort when I'm sad because only a mother can do that.

I wouldn't get support from the people that would never judge, hurt, or do anything to harm me emotional and phisically.

I wouldn't have my mom and dad.


It's been a week since the death of my parents and a lot has happened. So Olympia showed up at my door with her girlfriend Bey. Before you reread that again, yes Olympia is a lesbian. Anyways, Olympia arrived already being told the news by Kendra, which totally saved my life.

Olympia and Bey are staying for a couple of weeks at my house. I guess I should call it my house now. Olympia and I have planned the funeral to be held in a couple of days and we have invited pretty much the whole family. Also some friends of my mom and dad's because they deserve to see them too.

Right now I'm just with Pia and Bey as we're going over the funeral plans. We're sitting on the couch in the living room, I'm on the love seat which is a two seater couch while Bey and Pia are on the three seated couch.

"So did we miss anybody?" I asked referring to invitations because we had just written out a bunch of them to mail off. "I don't know" Pia said shrugging, "Check the list" Bey piped up and I grabbed the list scanning the page to everyone checked off.

"Nope its all checked off. Time to mail them" I announced as I stood up stretching. Bey and Olympia stood up with their hands locked as they walked towards the door with a small stack of letters each in their spare hand.

I grabbed a stack of letters slipped on my shoes and we left. The weather was warm but not smoking hot maybe about 29°C.

This is the first time I've been outside since my parents' death. I walked beside Olympia who was holding hands with Bey. "Hey its gonna be okay" Bey said and I shook my head "I don't have enough money to keep the house by myself" I said sadly.

"That's when you rent out part of the house to someone else to split the money" Olympia said making Bey nodded "Ya, I could help you find someone to room with. We could put up flyers and spread the word" Bey said. "And I'll help" Olympia added making Bey remove her hand from Olympia's and wrap it around her waist pulling her close.

I smiled seeing my sister happy with Bey. We reached the post office and we all slipped our letters into the boxes mailing them off.

I turned around and came face to face with Will and I regretted the next words that came out of my mouth

"Wanna move in with me?" I asked.

Authors Note;
Hey everyone, so this was a fun chapter to write it may be a little a boring but I don't care. The picture attached to this chapter is of Bey who is played by Erin Chambers.

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