chapter 4- do you have a heart

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chapter 4-do you have a heart


"Your going to be my fake boyfriend" I announced to Kaden and he stared at my with wide eyes.

I've known Kaden for about 3 days now and I'm convinced he's ready. I've learned from those 3 days that Kaden is very ignorant and modest but really who isn't these days.

"I'm going to be your what?" Kaden asked dumbfounded and Kendra spilled out laugh "Wait why?" Kaden asked. My mouth curved into a smile "Because I need to make my crush jealous" I said and Kaden laughed "And you think I'd help you?" Kaden asked with a smirk.

I sat down across from Kaden on the big red chair in Kendra's living room with Kaden sitting on the red couch beside Kendra. I looked down at my outfit to see I was wearing light washed Jean shorts and a neon yellow baggy crop top with my hair in a high ponytail.

"Um I was hoping" I mumbled and he laughed "Nah" he said as he stood up, I stood up and looked at Kendra and she shot me a wink meaning it was time for Plan B.

I stood up as Kaden made his way out of the living room "Kaden" I yelled and he turned around "Whaaatttt?" He asked "Why won't you do it?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

He smirked and turned around to face me "Because I get nothing in return" he murmured "Wow well someone's selfish" I muttered, "Says you" he spit and I gasped "What do you mean?" I asked. Suddenly Kendra started humming in the back ground "When you nod your head yes but you want to say no, what do you mean" she sung quietly making me and Kaden laugh.

"Anways I mean that your asking me to do something for you" he said "And I get nothing in return and you get something very special. That's not fair" he squealed and I laughed at him acting like a 4 year old "One, suck it up life's not fair and two what's this something very special I get?" I asked and Kendra laughed.

"Me" he said proudly making me and Kendra laugh and laugh and laugh once we sobered up I looked up to see Kaden with a frown on his face. "What's wrong Kade?" I asked "Haha" he said sarcastically "It wasn't that funny" I he added and Kendra scoffed "Um yes it was" she said and I laughed.

"So will you do it?" I asked him with my lip sticking out and my eyes wide for cuteness "No" he said blankly "Do you not have a heart?" Kendra asked jokingly because my face was so sweet and he laughed "I do for things that matter" he said making me frown. "Your a meanie" I said stomping my foot like a little kid, making Kenna laugh "Fine but I get something in return" he said and I smiled "What is it?" I asked and he smirked.

"You have to my fake girlfriend too" he said "Well that's kind of how it works in a relesonship" I said and Kendra laughed.

"I know I meant that for a week I'm going back to my town for a small party they have for students and I'm going. So I want you to come with me and pretend to be my girlfriend" he explained "When is this?" I asked after letting it sink in for a few minutes.

"I am going to go visit on August 12th- 19th" he said and I nodded my head "Okay" I agreed "And I'll probably FaceTime my friends every once and a while and you have to be there when I do that to" he demanded and I nodded "Fine". "You seem like your very clingy" Kenna said making me burst out laughing.

"So I know for a fact that Will is not working today" I piped up as I recalled that he works on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Sundays, and the occasional Monday. "Well aren't you quite a stalker" Kaden piped up and Kendra laughed "Yes, Yes she is" she said and I frowned. "Do you know where he will be?" Kaden asked and Kendra laughed "Does she know?" She laughed hardly "What?" Kaden asked making Kendra laugh again "That's the most silliest question I've ever heard" she said looking at me making me laugh.

"And why is that?" Kaden asked confused "Tell him" Kendra said "He is at the beach, he will arrive there at 1pm and leave at 3:07 pm" I explained and Kaden stood there with his jaw dropped. "You are a complete stalker" he stated and I nodded "Yes sir ree" I said and he laughed "Well it's 1:04 pm people let's not waste any time" I shouted and we all headed outside.


"So that's him?" Kaden asked while looking at Will and I smiled "Ya" I said with a dreamy tone. "Okay well let's go and talk to him" he said and Kendra laughed.

We are currently at the beach and I'm sitting in between Kendra and Kaden on a small concrete wall and our legs dangling over the wall. Will was once again with Ty and they were kicking around a soccer ball in the sand.

"Talk to him? Are you kidding she can't even say hi to him" Kenna explained and I gasped "Kenna that's not true" I said and she smirked "Noelle that's not true" she mocked me "And yes it is" she added. "I did talk to him" I muttered and she smiled "Oh ya, last time we came to the beach he was here and they were playing volleyball. The ball came flying near us and after me making Elle give him the ball he took it and she said 'you could have at least said thank you'. He turned around and said 'thanks Ashley' " Kendra explained and Kaden burst of laughing.

"He called you Ashley" he made out in between laughs "Yes" I said through clenched teeth. After Kendra and Kaden stopped laughing Kaden jumped off the ledge we were sitting on and held out his hand "Ready ma lady?" He asked jokingly.

"We can't just go over there" I stated an Kaden looked at Kendra and she nodded which confused me. Suddenly Kaden grabbed me by the legs and swung me over his shoulder making me squeal and Kendra laugh as she watched us.

Kaden ran around with me squealing and pounding on his back to let me go as he laughed at me. Kaden stopped and put me down in front of him and I squealed, I looked around to see we were in the middle of the soccer game that Will and Ty are playing.

"What the hell?" I asked annoyed and before I could think of moving something hit my head. I fell onto the sand hearing voices call my name and shake me but the thing was I couldn't respond as much as I tried.

All I saw was black and I felt movements and hands on my shoulders and legs. I had no idea what was happening.


"Noelle" I heard a soft voice whisper and my eyes slowly flickered open "I told you she wasn't dead idiot" I heard as female voice say which probably belonged to Kendra. My vision became clear and I looked up to see Kaden and Kendra, I looked around more to see I was sitting in Kaden's lap wity Kendra sitting beside me.

"Are we still at the beach?" I asked and Kendra nodded "Ya, you've been out for a few mintues" Kendra said. "Oh it felt longer" I explained, "Well it was a pretty hard hit" Kaden piped in "What happened?" I asked "You got hit by the soccer ball that Ty kicked" Kaden explained.

"Did they apologize?" I asked and Kaden nodded "Why not?" I asked and Kendra laughed "Well you were uncousious, how are they suppose to?" She asked making Kaden and I laugh.

"Well are they still here?" I asked and Kaden nodded "Yea" he said "And they are coming over here now" Kendra said and I winked at Kaden "Spice it up" I said and he laughed nodding.

I sat up straightning my posture but still sitting on Kaden's lap with Kendra still sitting beside us. I looked up to see Will and Ty walking up to us and I smiled as I felt Kaden wrap his arms around my waist and I held his hands in mine.

Will looked at me and my eyes connected with his for a mintue before he looked away. When they approached us but what Will said next made me wince and almost scream in anger.

"Hi Ashley"

Authors Note;
Hey everyone, so I hoped you loved that chapter please commented why you liked and didn't like.

I had fun writing this one and I hoped you liked it.

Picture attached to this chapter is of Will who is played by Burkely Duffield.

Love you, Thanks

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