chapter 19 - the end

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"You what?" Will asked shocked and my tears were spilling quickly, "Marissa Jones used to be my best friend" I admitted again.

"What happened?" Will asked and I nodded "Follow me" I mumbled standing up, my body felt weak like u had no energy. I heard Will following behind me and when I reached my room I noticed that I had left the photo album out.

I slowly walked over to my bed and plopped down gesturing for Will to sit beside me and he did. I placed the photo album on my lap "This is the photo album I was looking at and you got mad at me" he said and I nodded.

I flipped over the cover and tears dripped from my face. "Isn't this you and Kendra?" Will asked pointing to the page of pictures of Marissa and I. "No" I choked out and Will paused staring at me "It's Marissa isn't it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Marissa and I were inseparable when we were little well from around age 8 to 12. Besides my sister Olympia, Marissa was the only one I trusted" I mumbled "Noelle" Will said. "You don't have to tell me" he murmured and I shook my head "No I need to" I murmured.

I flipped through the pages of all the things Marissa and I did together and I cried. "When we entered high school at 13, Marissa became a different girl" I choked out feeling like I couldn't breathe. "Instead of hanging out with me every single night she-" instead of finishing the sentence I cried out a sob, it was all too much.

I kept flashing back to hanging out with Marissa and it just killed me. "It's okay" Will said rubbing circles on my back "She would h-hangout with the popular people. S-she d-d-didn't have time for me anymore" I cried out. "She told me that 'High school c-changes you and she's sorry" I bawled out.

"She didn't want to leave me, she wasn't being rude. But h-her parents wanted her to be the popular girl" I screamed out and I cried, hard. "I miss her so much" I cried out and now no more words were coming out it was just tears.

"But you have Kendra" Will said and I nodded, I did have Kendra and I was very thankful for her because I love her.


I don't know how long I sat there with Will crying but I do know that he didn't complain or leave. He supported me and I was relived I finally told someone besides my parents and my sister about this.

Now I was exhausted, but I couldn't go to sleep it was only a quarter to three. Will looked at me and sighed "What's wrong?" I asked and he shrugged "Nothing" he mumbled.

Then he cupped my face and pressed his lips against mine. I was shocked, very shocked but then I went with it. I kissed him back both of us in sync with each other, it was what I needed all along. The kiss wasn't perfect but really nothing is perfect.

He released me and we both smiled "What was that for?" I teased and he smiled "I like like you" he admitted. The world had fell at my feet and all of my feelings for Kaden left me and my feelings for Will skyrocketed.

"I like like you too" I squealed and he chuckled and he threw his arms around my waist hugging me.


Kenna squealed and starting jumping up and down while I laughed at her reaction of me telling her about Will and I.

Will chuckled wrapping his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer. I smiled and Kendra squealed again "You guys are so cute" she cooed and I laughed.

Then I heard foot steps and I looked at the stairs to see Kaden coming down. He looked at me and then his eyes shifted to Will's arm around me and he frowned.

He made it all the way down the stairs and he just stared at us frowning. "Everybody cheer for Woella" Kendra sang jumping around while Kaden's mood was the opposite. "I help you with everything and you don't even end up with me" Kaden snarled, I was taken back by his words everyone was.

Kendra stopped dancing and just glared at Kaden "You didn't help me with everything" I said and he snorted "Ya well I thought you liked me" he yelled. "I did but then I found out you were a jerk and the whole point of you and I 'dating' " I said putting air quotions around dating, "was to make Will like me" I said.

I looked up at Will and he was stunned but then his eyes soften and he looked down at me. He kissed me on the nose and smiled, I looked up to see Kaden furious "Stop" he yelled running back upstairs.

"I need to go pee" Will announced dancing off to the bathroom which left Kendra and I laughing.

"I knew this was going to happen" Kendra squealed hugging me. I chuckled "To be honest I was worried it would never happen" I said. "Well it did silly" she teased and I laughed.

"I'm going to get Woella t-shirts and bracelets for people that surrport Woella" she mumbled to herself.

"Kendra" I said and she laughed "Sorry" she said and I smiled "It's okay" I said. "I'm knew someone would save you" she mumbled.

I never looked at it that way, but it's kind of true.

Well congratulations Will Jackson for saving me, Noella Gibbs.

Authors Note;
Well that's the end. I hope you guys liked it.

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