chapter 14-hey sweetheart

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"You kissed?" Kendra asked surprised but squealing and I nodded happily. The kiss melted me like a pad of butter, it was wonderful and after it was done I raced down to Kendra's house to tell her.

"Are you guys dating now?" She asked after calming down "Um I kinda ran away right after it happened" I mumbled. "Go back and confess your feelings" Kendra said grabbing my shoulders and shaking me back and forth "But I like Kaden too" I mumbled and she paused her movements.

She looked at me wide eyed and let go of my shoulders "Are you actually telling me right now that your going to pick a guy who you've liked for like a week now over a guy who you've liked for over 4 years now" she explained "Girl your crazy" she squealed and I laughed. "It's not how long you like them it's how much" I said and Kendra laughed "Your so corny" she said.

"Kenna listen I don't know what to do but no one said I had to make a decision now" I said and she nodded "true" she said. "I'm going to head home and chat with Olympia on FaceTime" I announced. Kendra gave me a small nod undertaking I needed my sister "Bye Elle" she said after I slipped on my shoes. I twisted the door nob "Bye Kenna" I shouted shutting the door and leaving the house.

I walked down the sidewalk while sending a quick text to Olympia telling her I wanted to FaceTime soon. I made my way to my house and shut the door slipping off my runners, a loud shuffling was heard. I realized the reason for the shuffling as I saw Will running down the stairs "Hey sweetheart" he chirped and I frowned.

"Don't call me sweetheart" I said crossing my arms over my chest and he laughed "Sorry sweetheart" he teased and I smiled looking at him. I knew I was mad at him calling me sweetheart but I couldn't help it.

His face soften and it became cornered and serious "How are you doing with the death of your parents?" He asked softly. Tears almost escaped my eyes as he mentioned my parents but I needed to he strong. "I'm good" I lied "Really?" He asked and I shook my head "Yes, I'm fine" I lied again but his haze soften and he sighed "Well okay" he said.

"So about the kiss-" I started but Will intruped me "Ya I'm sorry about that I forgot you had a boyfriend" he mumbled. Oh ya, I pretended that Kaden wad my boyfriend. "Well about that" I said and I looked to see that Will had already trudged into the living room and wad not in front of me anymore.

"Huh?" Will asked from the living room clearly not hearing me fully "Never mind" I muttered as I trudged upstairs to my room. I reached my room and pulled out my phone to see Olympia messaged me back with a quick 'okay'.

I sat down at my computer desk and turned on my computer. I decided to use Skype instead of using my phone for FaceTime. I loged in and went onto Skype and pressed the call button beside my sisters name.

Olympia accepted the call and her picture flashed across the screen she was sitting on her bed doing something. Her hair was in a bun and she was wearing jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt.

"Hey" she said looking at the screen at me "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked and she shrugged "I'm just drawing" she explained. She had a pencil in her hand and she was drawing a round shape "What're you drawing?" I asked and she smiled "Bey" she answered referring to her girlfriend.

I smiled and she put her sketch book and pencil down on her nightstand. "Is that my favorite Gibbs?" I heard a familiar girly voice squeal and I instantly laughed with a smile knowing it was Evie. Evie, Bey, and Pia share a room together and Evie and Bey are like my other sisters.

Suddenly Evie came into view with a wide smile on her face, her red hair was in a high ponytail and she had on a blue Jays jersey t-shirt and white jeans. Evie is really pretty but her eyes are one of her most unique features her figure, she's very skinny.

"Hey Evie" I sung and she squealed "I miss you sweetie" she sang and I laughed "I miss you too" I said smiling. "What are you guys doing today?" I asked and Evie smiled "I'm hanging out with Evan" she said clearly love stuck talking about her boyfriend Evan.

"Come visit" Olympia dragged out and I smiled "Maybe I will" I said and Evie smirked "You better" she said "See you later sweetie, I gotta go" she sang sweetly as she left.

"So how's it going?" She asked and that's how it all started with me telling her eventing that happened with Will and Kaden.


"Noelle" Will sung and I chuckled to myself as I leaned over from my bed and opened the door. "Yes" I said as the door opened and I straighten my posture sitting criss cross apple sauce. "What's up?" He asked and sighed shrugged "Nothing really" I said, a smile crept up in his face "Come with me then" he said.

My heart fluttered as he said that "Where?" I asked "A few buddies of mine and I are going to chill out at Ty's for a bit" he explained. I shook my head with a smile "Okay, meet me out in my car in about 5 mintues" he said.

"Okie dokie" I sang and he left my room shutting the door. I stripped off my comfy clothes and got on white jean shorts, a dark purple spaghetti strap tank top, and my socks. I walked into the washroom brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, did a little makeup, and brushed my hair.

I put my hair up into a high ponytail and skipped downstairs. I smiled as Molly trotted over to me and I petted her and gave her a small kiss on the head. I slipped on my running shoes, and slipped out of the door locking it on the way out.

I heard the humming of the motor and I squinted to look through the windshield to see Will. I skipped down to the car and I swung open the door and hopped into the car. A rap song was faintly playing in the background and I buckled my seatbelt.

Will backed out of the driveway and he turned up the music, I figured out that the song was Hotling Bling and I laughed as Will sang along.

His voice wasn't good, at all bit I joined in and we laughed along.

"You used to call me on my cellphone"

"Late night when you need my love"

After singing along for a while the song stopped and commercials for the radio station started. We pulled into a small driveway for a average sized house. The house was a brick house, we both got out of the car and we walked up to the front door.

"Don't be shy sweetheart" he teased and I frowned "Don't call me sweetheart" I said playfully punching his shoulder. He opened the door to a small hallway with wood floors and we both slipped off our shoes.

Authors Note;
Hey everyone, I really hoped you liked this chapter!!! Picture attached to this chapter is of Evie who is played by Ariana Grande. The next chapter is probably going to he one of my favorites!! Please comment your thoughts and give me a vote!!


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