chapter 12-i wanted to talk to you

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☆Noella's POV☆

I stared at Will in horror, he figured it out and he saw what my past was hiding he found out the big bad secret.

"W-What are you doing" I asked as my shoulders shook, this couldn't be happening, Will looked at me clearly worried. He took the photo album and placed it beside him and stood up quickly scared. "I just came to ask you if you wanted to have dinner?" He asked, I shook my head slowly "Just go" I snapped.

He flinched at my rudeness "Noelle, I'm sorry" he spoke softly while he looked at my brown eyes. "Why aren't you running?" I asked since I've never told anyone before, I didn't know what would happen if they found out.

"Why would I run its just pictures of you and this girl" he explained, I sighed as I realized he didn't look through it all. "Oh then it's okay. Sorry I snapped at you" I apologized, his posture dropped and he smiled "I'm sorry for snooping" he said and I smiled back "Just leave it alone next time" I replied.

"Wanna go out and get a slice of pizza or something for dinner?" He asked and I nodded "Sure" I answered. "I'll just get changed and then we can go" I said and he nodded "Okay I'll meet you downstairs" he mumbled leaving my room.

I walked to my bed and picked up the photo album, the thing was no one knew about my serect besides my sister and my parents. I slid the photo album under my bed and stripped off my clothes leaving my undergarments on. I slipped on a yellow tanktop and light washed Jean shorts and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

I walked downstairs and smiled when I saw Will standing at the front door "Ready?" He asked and I shook my head reaching the bottom of the stairs. I slipped on my shoes and we headed out to his car.


"So you've never had bacon before?" Will asked me totally dumbfounded and I nodded "Never" I replied. "Why not?" He asked taking a bite of his pizza "Well I don't know" I said shrugging.

Right now we're just having a good time having pizza together on a bench around the beach. I looked around to see families, friends, and couples just walking around, some were swimming in the lake. Until my eyes landed on Kaden and Kendra, why were they here?

I locked eyed with Kendra and she smiled walking towards us. I turned my back to them and focused on Will, he was now done his pizza and he was looking at the beach. "Hey guys" a voice said and I didn't have to turn around to know the voice belong to Kendra.

"Hey Kenna" I said cheerfully as she stood in front of us beside Kaden, "Hey Noelle" Kaden chirped and I frowned focusing on Kendra again. "Hey" Will piped up looking at the new comers and smiling "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

Kendra gave me a small apologetic smile "I wanted to talk to you" Kaden said but his voice sounded demanding. "We saw you guys leaving the house and we followed you" Kaden explained knowing I was going to ask how they found me. "Kind of shalkerish if you ask me" Kendra mumbled and I laughed.

"Let's go" Kaden stated looking at me "Me, you over there. I need to know what's bothering you" he demanded. I was surprised, very surprised that he wanted to figure this out "You can't just order her around" Will butted in and I was even more surprised. "And why does it effect you?" Kaden asked "Cause she's my friend" he said and I internally cheered.

"Well I'm her boyfriend and that means a lot more so come on" he muttered to me, I shook my head while I stood frozen not wanting to move. "Noelle" Kendra said "Please he's been bugging me trying to figure out what's wrong" she explained and I nodded.

"Fine" I muttered and I followed him as we walked about 4 meters away and stood beside a white brick wall that wrapped around the beach. "So what's wrong?" I asked "You" he answered "You won't explain why you care about that so much" he said. I frowned, was I going to have to tell him my secret?

"Because I like you" I lied, I couldn't tell him the truth no matter how much I tried. "No you don't" he agured "Noelle, I know I haven't known you for long but can you please tell me why this is bothering you?" He asked and I shook my head. "I can't even Kendra doesn't know" I stated "Well can you at least not be so mad at me anymore?" He asked "I guess" I muttered.

"Hey, I can see Will looking at us from the corner of his eye" Kaden said "Really?" I asked and he nodded "Wanna have our first kiss while he's still looking?" He asked. He didn't wait for me to answer as he softly cupped my face and moved closer.

He brought his lips on mine and kissed me. The kiss lit a fire in me, he spreaded warmth through my body making me shiver because of how good it was.

His hands traveled up my waist and my arms went around his neck, the kiss was my first kiss.

As he pulled away both of us breathless he looked at me with curiosity shining through him. As we both noticed that kiss was anything but fake.


"I can't believe I'm hearing you blab about kissing my cousin" Kendra said and I laughed "I always thought you would get your first kiss from someone else" she mumbled.

Kendra decided to let Kaden chill out on his own for a bit as she decided to stay at my house for the night but we couldn't fall asleep. She needed to know everything that happened and I wanted to know how Will reacted.

"How did Will react?" I asked and Kendra smirked "I could practically see the smoke blowing out of his ears" she said sending me into a laughing fit.

"So wad I right about you liking Kaden?" She asked and I smiled, smiled why did I smile? "Nah" I mumbled and she frowned at me "Noella Gibbs don't lie to me" she said.

"I'm not" I said and she smiled "you always twiddle your thumbs when you lie" she explained and I frowned.

I really haven't thought about it but after that kiss I think I might have fell for him.

"So you like like him?" She asked and I nodded smiling "I think I do" I said.

I shrieked seeing that I just admitted I have a crush on Kaden Espinoza.

Authors Note;
Hey everyone, so I'm guessing everyone that ships Kaden and Noelle, aka Naden! And I guess a little for Woella lovers!! Picture attached to this chapter is of Marissa Jones who is played by Ashley Benson.

Please comment your favorite part!


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