chapter 8- I know it's going to be hard

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chapter 8-i know it's going to be hard


"What?" Will asked totally confused as I mentally slapped myself, I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I turned my head to see Olympia.

"I was kidding" I said faking laughing which cane out very squeaking, "Oh are you still coming to the bonfire it's this Friday at 8" Will said making my heart skip a beat as I looked at the way his hair sat on his head perfectly.

"I-I" I stammered as I looked at Will "She would love to" Olympia said making Will smile "Okkkaaayy" he said not knowing if I actually wanted do go or not. Olympia stood at my side and gave Will a sweet smile "Sorry I've never met you before, who are you?" Olympia asked even though she knew exactly who it was.

Will gave her a blank stare "I'm Will" he said and I mentally sighed as I hoped he would've said I'm Will, Noelle's friend but life isn't that fair. "Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Olympia, Noelle's older sister" she explained and he nodded "Nice to meet you too. I have to go bye" he said giving us a small wave before walking off.

After making sure he was far enough that he couldn't hear us Olympia started squealing and jumping up and down. "Bey get over here" she squealed making her girlfriend rush over after dropping off all the letters.

I knew this was going to be a long two weeks


I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I pinned two strands of my hair back after giving them a little twist. I studied my black dress that reached my knees, the dress was lace and tight fitted. I wore black high heels making me seem a little taller and a sliver locket my mom got for me a couple of years ago for Christmas.

My hair was down with a couple of strands on both sides twisted and pulled back with a bobby pin. I decided on no makeup as I would be crying today as it is my parents funeral today.

I heard my door creaked as I looked over to see my sister walking into my room. She had on a high waisted black skirt with a black fancy tanktop, she had black high heels and her makeup looked really good. Her hair was pinned up in a neat bun and her nails were painted black.

"Hey" I choked out with a uneasy smile making my sister frown "I know it's going to be hard" she said sadly as she pulled me into a hug. I returned the hug and started sniffling as my nose plugged up and my eyes started stinging. She unwrapped herself from the hug and reached foward to touch my locket dangling around my neck. Her cold fingers touch my skin as she picked it up slightly and studied it "It's beautiful" she cooed as she looked at it. The sliver locket had a sliver lining older style pattern and a sliver chain, I kept a picture of both my mom and dad in there. I nodded and she dropped her hand "We need to go now, Bey is waiting in the car" she explained and I nodded.

I followed Olympia out of my room and down the stairs. Molly trotted over to me making me smile as I rubbed her head and gave her a kiss "I'll be back" I whispered and she trotted back to the living room. I followed Olympia out the door after she locked it and we header towards her black Chevy Cruise car.

Olympia slid into the passengers seat and I jumped in the back as Bey was going to he driving. "Ready?" Bey asked looking at my in the mirror and I gave a stiff nod as did Olympia. Bey backed out of the driveway and started driving down the street her eyes glued to the road. I barley heard the faint sound of another pop tune playing on the radio which was turned down pretty much all the way.

I looked down at my hands and twiddled my thumbs as I heard Bey and Olympia talking about the funeral as they planned it. The car came to a slow stop and I looked around to see we were parked in the small parking lot of the funeral. "We're here" Bey announced unlocking the car doors as she and Olympia slid out. Olympia ducked her head into the car and gave me a small sympathetic smile "Come on" she said softly and I nodded.

She closed door and waited in front of the car, I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door. I slid out and closed the door behind me, I saw a white 2004 Chevy impala pull into a parking spot which belonged to Kendra. "I'll meet you guys inside" I said and Bey and Olympia nodded as they continued to walk in holding hands.

I looked at the average sized building, they had a small lawn of nicely trimmed grass and a stone walkway down the middle. On the building above the oak doors red lettering spelled out the name of the place. A small bang from a car door jolted me out of my thoughts and I looked over to see Kendra and Kaden getting out the car.

Kendra was dressed in a black pair of jeans and a black lace tanktop and her feet wore black high heels with her long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. Kaden on the other hand left his hair as usual and he wore a black and white classic tux with black shoes. They walked up to the entrance and I followed them quickly before Kendra turned around and smiled when she saw me. I darted into her arms and tears instantly ran down my face light sobs escaping my mouth as she held me tight.

I pulled away and I wiped my tears, "Ready?" She asked and I nodded as we entered the funeral home. "We're going to go find a seat while you talk to some relatives, okay?" Kaden asked "Okay" I answered as they both left to find seat. I walked around looking at many familar faces until I spotted my grandparents.

My grandma looked relatively the same she was pretty short, her grey curly hair was piled on her head making her look like an old Marilyn Monroe. She had on black skirt that reached her ankles matched with with a black t-shirt with puffy fabric on the shoulders and beading along the neckline. She had painted black nails and sliver earrings, on her feet sat black flats and a sad look on her face as she wiped away tears.

My grandpa on the other hand had hits of grey hair on his bald head. His outfit consisted of black trousers, a black Polo shirt with a black dress coat and black shoes. I walked over to them as they were standing near a small table with mints in a bowl. My grandpa was the first to turn his head to look at me and his eyes lit up as he wiped away his tears. My grandma looked over not bothering to hide her tears as she rushed over to me and engulfing me a hug.

Tears once again poured out of my eyes and I wrapped my arms around my grandmother's small frame. She backed away after giving me a small peck on the cheek. My grandpa was next as he gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek making me smile as I wiped my tears away. He pulled back and they stood in front of me teary eyed but with smiles as they were happy to see me.

"Grandma, Grandpa" I gushed as I looked at them making my grandma reach over and grab my hand. She rubbed my hand and let go "I haven't seen you in a while, it's been way too long" my grandpa said making me crack a smile to match his. "We were just up for March break" I reminded him making my grandma smile "Really? It felt like years" my grandma said making my smile grow wider.

Tears fled my grandma's eyes as she looked at me "You look just like Eleanor" she said referring to my mom Eleanor. Tears flowed my eyes as I thought of my mother and my tears ran down my grandpa's eyes as he nodded with agreement.

Authors Note;
This chapter is long but it ends in a weird spot so there will be a part 2 that will start where this one ended off. I need ship names for Noelle and Will, and for Noelle and Kaden.

Which one is the cuter couple? Noelle and Will or Noelle and Kaden?
The picture attached to this chapter is of Kaden who is played by Jack Gilinsky.

Please comment and vote

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