New Guys?

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~Melanie's POV~ A/N- She was not named by Melanie Martinez. Melanie Martinez wasn't even a thing to the public when Mel was born in the story. It's just a strange coincidence that her and her favorite singer have the same name.

I hate school. I'd honestly rather go anywhere else. But, hey, to have a life, you must be edumacated. Yes, I know that's not a word.

I knew that the first thing I needed to do was ask my friends if they want me to pick them up. Ever since I got my license I've pretty much always been the designated driver. But I don't mind at all. I love driving.

I sent a text to one of my best friends Beatrice first, because I knew that she would be up by now.

To Bea: Hey, Bea! I'm picking you up, right? Are you ready for school?

She answered quickly, and yes, I was indeed picker her up, and no, she is not ready to go back.

Then I texted Shailene.

To Shai: Hey! Ready for the first day of school? I'm not! lol. Do you want me to pick you up? I'm already picking up Bea.

To Bea: No, and duh!

I quietly chuckled at how we all act towards each other. Some may call  it rude, I call it an odd bond. I really love and trust them.

After I put on my Melanie Martinez (queen) Playlist, I jumped in the shower. While I was in the shower I sang at the top of my lungs and danced around a little. I do this every time I shower, so I've almost perfected my not slipping, almost. Then I heard the door fly open and I screamed. 

"Jake!!!! Get out, you brat!!!!!!"

"Eww. Your listening to this girl again. Her songs are so weird!"

"What are you even talking about?"

He was silent so we could both listen to the lyrics that were on right now.

Blood still stains when the sheets are washed.

Sex don't sleep when the lights are off.

Kids are still depressed when you dress them up.

And syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup.

"Okay, so what?" I asked getting very angry. I don't care if her songs are explicit, creepy, or depressing. She's my favorite, and I will defend her.

"I'm just saying she sucks."

"You have four seconds-" I said and pulled down my towel to put on. "-To shut up and get out, before you die." Then I opened the curtains and gave him my most evil look. He stared back at me.


His eyes widened slightly.

"Two." I clenched my jaw, still glaring.

His eyes widened more.


He looked out of the door.


He ran out of the bathroom. I chuckled.

"Punk!!!" I yelled. Then I walked to my room to get dressed in the usual. (Outfit at the top. Ignore the hairstyle.) I always wear a t-shirt and jeans. I straightened my naturally curly brown hair. It's just so much to deal with. 

Then my favorite song by Melanie came on.

I noticed that I only got up twenty minutes ago, and I still have ten more until I have to leave, and I don't wear makeup and I normally eat an apple on the way to school, so I decided to just sing along. (Song at top. You can play it now.)

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