Cute girls

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~Calum's POV~

Why is school so boring?!?!?! I hate school in general but math is so boring. I just want to go home or at least do something with my life, than be here.... wait, back up, I don't have a life... I could go home and play video games or something though. I have two classes with the others and all three of the girls were in them too. I notice that they always sit in the back and just fool around and talk. At one point, they were even writing notes to each other while the teacher talked about what we were doing this year. At the one point they were all trying very hard not to laugh, and I noticed that Mel bit her lip so hard that when she stopped it was bruised and literally had teeth marks. Then I saw her unzip her sweater, and reach her hand into her left sleeve. She moved her left arm a little every now and then, then she looked down at her lap, and leaned her head on her left hand, keeping it on top of her ear. Then I saw her move in her seat a little and mouth some words. 

She's listening to music.

She has her phone in her pants pocket, and has the wire of her headphones going up her sweater into her sleeve. She's keeping her hand there so you can't see the wire or headphone. That's actually really smart....

After school I went home with the guys, and we were watching tv and then we started playing some video games.

Then all of the sudden Mikey says, "You thinking about those girls." I'm not sure who it was directed at, but Ashton answered first.

"No." He blurted way too quickly, proving that he was.

"Oh, dude! You like her don't you!!!!" I asked obviously referring to the one girl... Shai.... I think. Yeah.


"Right." Says Luke, rolling his eyes

"Well, I definitely like Bea!" Michael says.

"Dude, she definitely likes you too!"

"How do you know?" Ash asks.

"Because she was staring at him the entire time!" I said. Then I smirked. "But you were too busy drooling over Shai to notice."

Everyone but Ash starts laughing. then Mikey says, "I just know Mel likes Calum."

"Dude really?" I asked getting really curious. 

"Yeah!" Yells Luke like I'm stupid.

"Well, what about you Luke?" Ashton asks looking like he really wanted to know. We all did. "Who do you like?"

"A girl in my History class named Katy." Luke says smiling lightly.

"Whatever." Ash says.

"I'm gonna talk to Bea some more tomorrow. Man I can't wait to see her! Do you think she likes music?" Asks Mikey.

We all roll our eyes at him then go back to playing our game. Ashton went to his room after a few minutes and Mikey put on "Friends" It's our secret obsession.

After about two episodes, we all went to bed.

~next day~

I get up at about 7:30, first checking twitter, and Facebook, and stuff, then jump in the shower quick and go downstairs to eat breakfast. Me and Luke end up almost walking into each other, then we go in at the same time.

Ash sends whatever text he was just typing and then we leave for school

~time skip~

I immediately see the three girls all standing at Shai's locker, and Ashton runs up to her while we are still just walking over. Her friends laugh and go to their own lockers. Poor Luke just stands there awkwardly. I go over to Mel.

"Do you have a library card?" I asked her smirking.

"No, why?" Perfect, she's fallen into my trap.

" 'Cause I'm checking you out." I said looking her up and down. 

She scoffs and then chuckles, which very quickly turns into actual laughing. "You're funny." She said looking at me and smiling. This was when I realized she wasn't wearing makeup.

But she's still very, very beautiful.

Wait, what?!?!?!

"Thanks. You know what that's going to be our thing. Every time I see you I'm going to say a pickup line. It's our secret. Do you want to come over and hangout with me and the boys later?"

"Your welcome. Cool. Okay. And sure." She said replying to all of the things I just said.

"Awesome. Well, looks like it's just about time to go to class. talk to you later."

Later in the day I was talking to the guys and apparently they invited Bea and Shai over. As I waited for the day to be over, I tried to formulate a plan of what we can do. Eww, did I just say formulate. AHHH! SMART PEOPLE WORDS!!!

A/N Ehh, it's okay, but I was being rushed and kept forgetting what I was gonna say so... yeah. BYE!!!!!!!!

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