Great night

22 2 10

~still Mel's pov bc I can do what I want, I'm punk-rock (did I even say that right? Probs not. I'm tired... idk)~

We all decide to go upstairs, and Calum grabs my hand and pulls me into his room. I look around silently, and almost scream when I see he has an ATL poster.

"You like All Time Low?"

"Who doesn't?"

He chuckled. Then said, "Here."

I turned around, and he was holding out a t-shirt to me... an ATL one to be exact. I knew I brought my own clothes, but I had to.

I took the shirt and he pointed to the bathroom. I quickly took off my shirt and pants, putting on his shirt, and wondering where I was going to sleep.

I went back out and noticed he had already changed and was laying in his bed. He patted the spot next to him, so I sat down, crossing my legs. I looked at the tv silently and saw that he was watching friends. The episode where Ross and Emily are getting married.

He then sits up and we look at each other. He smiles at me, but I don't smile back. I wonder how my brother is. My dad is really harsh on him because he isn't perfect. Dad just yells at him a lot though, it's not too bad.

Calum notices the smile isn't mutual and quietly asks, "What's wrong?"


"Tell me or I will tickle you."

"I'm fine."

Next thing I knew, I was pushed down onto the bed, and Calum sat on top of me. He almost immediately started tickling me and I was laughing some, but I didn't want to wake up or... interrupt... any of the others.

After what feels like forever, he stops tickling me and just sits there laughing. After a minute of us both laughing, he finally gets off of me. He lays back on his bed and pulls me to cuddle against him. I layed on his arm and put my arm over his waist. We watched a few episodes of friends, and then he moves us so that my back is against his stomach and his arms were around my waist. I felt so comfortable, so safe, so warm, so... welcome. As I had these nice thoughts, I drifted off to sleep but not before hearing Calum whisper,

"One day you will be mine."

~time skip~

I wake up to feel a hand lightly rubbing my waist, and I turn a little, to see Calum staring at me.

"Good morning, Mel." He said. Then he looked at me, seemingly confused, and asked, "What is that short for?"


"Melanie." He says as if testing it. I always hated being called Melanie, but the way it sounds when he says it, I really wabt him to call me it.

"Yeah." I say chuckling. "No one ever calls me that though."


I shrugged, not wanting to tell him I only like it when he says it and sound creepy.

We both shower, seperately, then after we got dressed, me in the bathroom, him in his room. Then we were just talking, and as we were going downstairs, and he told me about the time that he tripped and rolled down a hill, right into a lake.

We both laugh as we walk downstairs, and then we walk in and Cal says, "Hey, why so silent?"

I chuckle a little, still thinking about the story.

"We like silence." Ashton glares at Cal.

"Man dude, sex changes you." Ashton is still glaring, so Cal starts to make kissy noises and moan while tugging at his shirt.

Ashton practically jumps out of his chair and starts punching Calum.

"HOLY SHIT!! ASHTON STOP!!!" I yell, but my voice cracks because I was on the verge of tears.

Mikey tries to pull him back and by this point, all three of us girls are crying, me and Shai more though.

"Ashton..." Shai whispers and he stops, seeing her sobbing.

"What the hell was that for?" Cal asks, not even sounding mad, but confused and hurt.

Ashton runs out of the house, Shai following, and Mikey helps Cal stand up and him and I walk upstairs together.

I take him into the bathroom, lightly cleaning his face, every now and then he would make a hissing noise which would cause me to quickly tear up and apologise repeatedly.

~time skip~

We are all, except for Shai and Ashton, sitting in the kitchen, silently.

Ashton nods at Cal, and he seems to understand, because they walk out of the room together.

They walk back in and are both smiling, although Cal's is kind of awkward because of the black eye Ash gave him.

I walk back upstairs with Cal, and we listen to ATL for a little on his mp3, and just sit there.

After a little while, we get ready to leave, and Cal gives me a small peck on the cheek.

As we drive, I think off everything that happened the past twenty four hours, and I smile, because with these guys, even the bad things end up good. I really hope that I will become close friends with all of them. I would really enjoy breaking Luke's shell, he seems so quiet, and shy, and I want to know why. I want to know more about Ashton's other side. I want to know Mikey's not so... childish?... side basically I just want to know who he really is. And Cal, I want to know everything about him.

I'm excited to see where all of this will go...

Sorry this sucks. :)

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