Chapter 23

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The next day we rode the horses quickly and that night we rested at a small inn. The old couple who owned the inn were a nice couple who owed the Laylania troop a favor, so they let us stay the night for free. 

Laying on the bed in our room, I asked curious, "What kind of favor did the old couple here owe you guys for?"

Cleite rolled over on her bed towards me and replied, "One time a few years ago, we were passing along this way. Suddenly demons started to attack this place. They were drawn here because an angelic mark bearer was staying here for the night. When the demons attacked, we beat the demons and saved this place".

Curious I asked, "Who was the angelic bearer that was here?"

Picking up the story Dao said, "After we saved this place, we asked the angelic bearer to join our troop. At first he was reluctant to join us since he was kinda anti-social. But we eventually convinced him to join us".

"By threatening to kidnap him?" I asked suspicious.

"No!" Dao said defensively. He then cleared his throat, "Anyway, the person we met was Nathair".

I nodded in understanding, "Ahh I see". I looked up at the ceiling and thought about the pasts of the other members of the troop. We all were in some kind of bad place before Rida and Gadalka saved us, some places were worse than others. I can only imagine how torn up inside they felt. I mean they knew Rida and Gadalka longer than I have. 

It must hurt so much.

Cleite looked out the window and said, "We should probably go to bed. We'll reach Rida's hideout tomorrow afternoon-ish".

I nodded. "Night guys".  I turned onto my side and closed my eyes.

"Sweet dreams," Tanken said.

"Night Kasai, Cleite," Dao said into his pillow. We all got snuggled into our beds and fell asleep. 

The next morning I awoke to having something heavy fall on me. "What the?!" I exclaimed as I sat up abruptly. I looked down and saw that Dao had fallen on me. Seeing him so close to me, I blushed and looked away. Hearing laughter, I looked up and saw Cleite laughing behind her hand and Tanken laughing with his arms around his stomach. 

I glared at them and asked, "What's the meaning of this?"

After she finished laughing, she replied, "Dao was trying to wake you up by shaking you but it wasn't working. So I kinda just . . . pushed him. And you know . . . gravity happened". She then shrugged her shoulders and tried to hold in a giggle.  Tanken was still laughing.

Dao and I both glared at her and she just completely ignored it and whistled. Remembering what position we were in, Dao immediately got up and walked out of the room. As he left I could've sworn his face a bit red, but that must've been my imagination. Tanken also walked out of the room after him. Probably to make fun of what happened.

Once I was fully awake, I asked Cleite with my hands on my hips, "Was pushing Dao on top of me really necessary?"

With a wicked grin she replied, "Nope. I just wanted to see your reactions. It was priceless!"

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Don't we have to worry about stopping Rida and Gadalka? We don't have time to play cupid!"

"But we'll have time afterward won't we? Hohoho," she said while wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," I said with my arms crossed. Two can play this game. "What about you and Prince Regius?" I asked with a tiny smirk on my face. 

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