Chapter Five

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The car ride home was silent. No one was saying a word. Murr's hands were clenched at the wheels; it was obvious he felt uncomfortable and confused about what happened earlier. When I leaned over to look at Sal in the passenger seat, he was staring angrily out the window with his mouth clenched. Sitting back in my seat, I played with my hands in my lap and stayed silent. 

After Sal left the interview like that, angry for whatever reason, Murr and I apologized and then I gave Bellamy my address so he could pick me up around 7:00 for our date. Looking at each other, Murr and I shrugged our shoulders and went to go find Sal. He was already in another room, sitting and talking to the next interviewer and wasn't looking at me. That's how the rest of the afternoon went. The three of us did what we had to do, but without talking to one another. The only time Sal talked was when he was answering questions. A little confused and irritated, I didn't even ask why he thought he had a right to be upset. I figured Sal was mad that I agreed to go out with Bellamy, but I couldn't understand why. If Sal liked that Madison girl from Twitter, and he and I were just friends, then I don't see why it would matter to him who I went out with. 

When we got back to the apartment, we all walked inside to see that Joe and Q were home too. 

"Hey guys, how did--uh oh. What's wrong with Sal?" Joe asked, noticing the look on Sal's face. Q had brought back two packs of beers. Seeing the alcohol, Sal grabbed one, screwed off the top, took a sip and sat down on the couch. When the guys gave Sal a funny look, Sal muttered, "I need this." 

Q and Joe were obviously puzzled. Murr explained, "Basically, this young guy we met today asked our girl Alexa here on a date tonight and, when she agreed, Sal got angry for some reason. And that's what you missed." 

Joe said, "Ah. I see. Well if Alexa's going on a date, then come on boys, we should go out tonight too. Then everyone can have some fun." Q and Murr agreed. They looked at Sal waiting to see what he was going to say. Sal shook his head and said, "Nope. I'm going to stay home. I don't feel like going." The other boys pestered him to try to get him to go with them, but Sal stayed firm. 

Joe, Q, and Murr told me that they hoped I had a good time with Bellamy, and then left. Now it was just me and Sal alone. Awkward. He didn't even look at me. Sigh. 

Noticing the time, I figured I should get ready. I walked up to my room and, closing the door, I was just about to pick out my outfit when I heard Sal in the hallway. "Alexa, I need to talk to you."

I opened the door and he stood in the doorway. "What do you want? Now you suddenly want to talk? I have to get ready." 

Sal, with a hurt expression on his face, said, "Please. It's important." I felt bad. I couldn't resist Sal when he looked so innocent and sad. I couldn't be mean to him. I nodded my head and gestured for him to come in my room. 

He started venting, "Why did you agree to go out with that guy anyways? You're usually too nervous to be out alone without us--your friends--but all of a sudden, you don't need us anymore? I mean, what---I don't get it." 

I was taken aback and tried to defend myself. "Of course I'll always need you guys. That's not what this is about. Yes, I get nervous when I'm by myself. But Sal, I'm 23 years old, I'm going to need to learn how to be with other people. This is me finally taking the first step. I don't want to feel trapped all the time, like I'm helpless." 

"But you don't feel comfortable around strangers. And that's what this Bellamy guy is: a stranger." He was raising his voice with every sentence. "You might be putting yourself in a bad situation. Look at what happened with that Calvin guy. I don't want to see you get hurt. You don't know him. He doesn't know you like I---"

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