Chapter Fourteen

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"Come on, let's go." 

Cameron wraps his big hands around my neck and pushes me towards the park's parking lot. I guess we're heading for his car. I vaguely wonder why no one in the park has tried to intervene, ask what the heck is going on, but I dismiss it. No one's going to help me. 

We finally reach his car, a gray Honda civic, and he places me in the passenger seat before I can stop him. Closing my side door, he rushes to the drivers side and gets in. Starting the car and putting his seat belt on, he puts an address in his GPS, and starts driving off. 

He looks over at me, "Well, go ahead, put on your seat belt. Be safe. Wouldn't want you to get hurt." 

I sneer at him. At least, I think I did. I'm too numb, physically and mentally, to really know for sure.

Cameron doesn't say anything after that; he's too busy concentrating on driving. I look down at my aching feet, noticing that they were red and sore. Flipping the visor over and looking in the mirror, I see a slap mark on my cheek and bruises around my neck. Great. 

I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. Nope, all this is real. I got tricked into meeting my kidnapper's twin brother, I just told Sal that I didn't love him, and now Cameron wants to take me somewhere. I have bruises from when I was strangled and I basically told Sal that I don't care about him at all. I'm fucking barefoot and Sal is so upset because of me. I'm in a car with a stranger going who-knows-where and Sal thinks that I don't love him. 


"Atlantic City. That's where we're going. They'll be a lot of people there so it'll be easier to blend in." That's the first thing Cameron says to me after an hour. 

Atlantic City? Why does that sound so familiar? Atlantic City, New Jersey...Then, it dawns on me. That's where Joe, Murr, and Q are! I recall the note they left this morning saying they went to New Jersey. Sal also had mentioned that the guys told him they were in Atlantic City when he called them.

I ponder over this news and consider everything carefully. Maybe if we're going there, I'll somehow see the guys and they can help me! But I have to stay cool. And remain calm. Can't have Cameron here getting tipped off, I remind myself. 

I settle in the seat, breathe deeply, and the car ride is silent for the rest of the way. 


After another hour, we arrive. Cameron parks the car and gets out, opening my door right away. My legs feel stiff as I get out of the car and I try to calm my nerves. 

It's a nice day. Many people are walking around, enjoying themselves. As we walk up towards one of the main entrances, I quickly try glancing at everyone that passes. I'm trying to get some attention, maybe if I can catch someone's eye, they could figure out that something's wrong. But...nothing. 

There's a guard waiting outside and he stops us before we can walk in. "Hold on, you can't go inside." He's looking at me.

I feel confused, but also excited, because there's a little part of me thinking that maybe he knows I've been kidnapped. Maybe he somehow knows I'm in trouble. 

Cameron, confused, asks me, "Aren't you over 21?" 

"Yeah, I'm 23." I mumble. 

"No, it's because of that." The guard points at my feet. "Everyone must be wearing shoes on the casino floor." 

"Oh, no problem. I think I have something in the car for her. We'll be right back." Cameron grabs my hand and pulls me back along the way we came, before I can say anything else. So much for thinking the guard was going to help me. 

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