A Note to Readers:

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On the Naming of this Collection:

This is a collection of poems that I wrote/am writing (I'm still a senior) throughout my junior and senior years of high school, where I'm attending an all-girls school called Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans. The name of this book is a play on the fact that the school was named after a mountain (although the school is not situated on a mountain. Louisiana is actually tied with Florida for flattest state, and all of New Orleans lies below sea-level), and on the fact that these poems were all written from my high school view point. So these poems are my view of life while in high school, hence the name.

On Why Some Poems Have Multiple Parts:

To me, poetry has a certain level of dignity. And part of this dignity is the length and meaning of the poems. Certain poems can only function as more than one page, and certain poems would lose their meaning if they were more than a few lines long. However, many times, I feel that certain aspects of life need to be written, but require more than a mere few poetic lines. I created multiple poems on one topic, so that these poems may maintain their poetic dignity through their length and meaning.

*Exception: The parts of the poems "Somethings We Don't Talk About." They aren't all about the same topic; there is just many things that we don't talk about.

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