The One Year Poem

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There's no time limit for pain.
You feel it until you've felt it so much,
It doesn't even affect you anymore.
    whether it's a few weeks,
        a few months,
            or a lifetime,
    You just become numb to it all.
But it's so beautiful,
You don't want to stop.
An exquisite, unique marking
    no, marking is the wrong word
It's a tattoo.
A beautiful, meaningful tattoo,
Unique to only you, no one else can copy it.
Inside is all the hurt,
    the meaning,
        the numbness,
            the sleepless nights
That no one else will have quite like you did.
It's all yours, and you're the only one who can control it.
I'll drink to that.
Because when you're so controlled by liquor, you can forget
    the why
        the hurt
            the scars
And you can just admire
    the beauty that comes
        From a few weeks' work
But a year of pain.

song -- "Kody," Matchbox 20

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