Our Time Balloon

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Remember that day we spent in the park?
Climbing up the larger-than-life oak trees,
Falling and scraping our four-year-old knees,
And arriving home, barely in one piece.
That day, feeling the warmth of childhood love.

Remember that week we spent at the beach?
Sticking our feet in the freezing water,
When I fell off the dock, and you "saved" me,
(All ten years and seventy pounds of you),
And getting our first taste of real freedom.

Remember those first, awful, teenage years?
The braces, the hair, and the attitude
And that awful first kiss (it got better).
We couldn't wait for the older, better years.
But none of these later years came for you.

Years ago, I buried these memories,
Now there's a layer of dust covering
The spine and the pages of our story,
Where the memories had turned to wind, and
The words had been swept away by the breeze.

But now I'm saving them, treasuring them.
Putting them in a balloon just for you.
And just for me, so I can release it,
Into the fluffy clouds and blue sky, where
You, my angel, can catch my most-loved times.

song -- "Cancer," My Chemical Romance

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