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i'll be the locked-in-a-tower princess,
you can be my knight in shining armor.
i'll be the damsel-in-distress,
you can be the savior super hero.
i'll be the unsinkable idealist,
you can bring me back down to earth.

i'll wake up extra early just to brush my teeth,
then climb back into bed.
i'll bring you your lunch at work,
so you don't forget to eat.
i'll wait by the phone at night when you're out,
in case you need me to drive you home.

i'll wake you up to see the sunrise,
even though i know you love to dream.
i'll dress you as a rebel,
even though you'll always be a tiger.
i'll make you stay home some nights,
so you remember that you're never too busy for me.

i won't sit still through movies,
even the ones i've never seen.
i won't stop talking,
even when words aren't what we need.
i won't sleep peacefully,
even as you hold me in your arms.

but i'll leave kisses in your shirt pockets,
memories in your wallet;
sugar packets in your car,
tattoos on your heart;
pennies in your briefcase,
my love in a vase.

you'll always be able to find me,
by the breadcrumbs i leave behind.
i'll follow your grey eyes,
your laughter, your passion,
your hands that hold the world.
we'll Hansel-and-Gretel each other back home.

when life rains on your parade,
i'll make sure you splash in the puddles and delight in the petrichor.
when they throw shit at you,
i'll still let you hold me, and i'll still think you smell beautiful.
when the sun forgets to rise,
i'll teach you to enjoy the darkness — how everything is better in the unseen.

you're the Mickey to my Minnie,
the Paul to my Holly.
I'm the Raggedy Ann to your Andy,
the Lucy to your Ricky.
we're the Abraham and Sarah —
together, we can do the impossible.

i will love you with too many question marks,
too many broken puzzle pieces.
i will need to take care of you,
while i forget to take care of myself.
you will be my rock, my cover, my place;
you can't forget to be my shield to the world.

i will love you infinitely past the farthest star of our universe,
and back again.
i will love you how the sun loves the moon,
i'll sacrifice myself every day just to let you shine.
i'll be a suffering mortal on earth,
while you can be my guardian angel in the sky.

**"We'll Hansel-and-Gretel each other back home" is a line from Sarah Kay's "Love Poem #137" In fact, much of this poem was inspired by her work.
song -- "You Are In Love," Taylor Swift

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