Cardboard Box

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"For in much wisdom is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrow."
- Ecclesiastes 1:18

When I was little, I was scared of monsters under my bed and darkness.
Now, I'm still scared of monsters, just not the kind under my bed.
And I'm still scared of darkness, but only when it's because I'm walking back to my car alone.

The longer I live, the more scared I become of what this world, these people are going to be.
The more I experience, the more sorrow sits on my chest.
The more people I talk to, the more I grieve for generations to come.

It's not something you can order from Amazon,
But it's delivered to you when you least expect it.
It will never arrive on your doorstep alone,
They're a package deal, tied together with clear tape, topped with a morbid bow,
And it can never be sent back.

Superman doesn't exist anymore. Fairytales are no longer realistic.
And the Laughing Man, well, he's dead.

song -- "Float," The Neighbourhood

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