This Missing

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Wake up, wake up
It's time to see all you've done,
All the memories you've made,
All the lives you've touched,
All the hearts you've enlarged.

Wake up, wake up
You're a senior now, scholarships galore
It's time to see where you'll go from here,
What you'll do, whose lives you'll change.
Darling, it all starts here.

Wake up, wake up,
There's so much to see!
You've done so much and now it's all
Coming together as you take on a new responsibility
It's the first day of the rest of your life.

Wake up, wake up
It's the day you've dreamt of since you were a little girl--
The day you'll be showered with rice,
Clothed in white lace and surrounded by the people you love
A day you'd never miss, never forget.

Wake up, wake up
You're experiencing your mother's greatest memory,
The largest lump of fear in your throat,
Nerves shaking your entire body,
Love stretching your heart against its strings.

Wake up, wake up,
It's your fiftieth birthday.
You're surrounded by the people you love,
The best high school friends, ancient coworkers, your kids and grandkids, with your favorite person in the world beside you.

Wake up, wake up,
You're missing out.
You're stuck at fourteen, too naive, too proud to cry for help.
Your mind is racing but you can't move.
You're scared to death, nervous as hell
But your heart is still, lungs steady.

You're stuck in January,
But it's April again.
You must get older,
Please wake up.

song -- "Virginia Bluebell," Miranda Lambert

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