Somethings We Don't Talk About

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you ask where he's been,
I dodge the question —
"Where'd you get your dress?"
"How's your mom doing?"
"Are you fully moved in?"

And then we stop talking about you.
And so you bring him up.
I dodge the question again —
"Are you liking school?"
"How was your job interview?"

Then you ask if I've spoken to him.
I say no, and change the subject again.
"Do you like your new neighborhood?"
"Have you tried the new coffee shop on 5th?"
"How's your husband?"

You answer.
We converse.
You seem more distant.
But you ask again.
I stay quiet.

You catch on.
You ask how I've been.
I don't know how to respond.
Because all the true answers
Require explanation of your first question.

song -- "Dead Flowers," Miranda Lambert

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