On the Difficulty of Having Two Math Midterms in One Day

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I almost vomited today. Right in the middle of my Calculus midterm. It's because you were there. I don't know where, but you were there; I was sure of it. I knew from the smell— either someone else's cologne or my own imagination. Probably my imagination. It's amazing how long a scent can last.

I almost vomited today. In the small, fifteen-minute interval between my Calculus and my Statistics midterms. You weren't there anymore— the smell didn't linger. But the memories did. Like a pop-up book from hell, always surprising me out of nowhere.

I'm so close to vomiting right now. I just finished my Probability & Statistics midterm, and I'm writing this on a tissue. I don't want to think about it; I want to stop thinking about it. But I need an outlet.
My teacher is grading my exam right now. I guess I must've done well; he keeps looking up at me and smiling. Your smile. The smile you'd always flash at me in the moments before...

song -- "Some Nights," fun.

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