Somethings We Don't Talk About III

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That one time it got really bad, she just left.
Got up, grabbed her car keys, and just left.
She didn't come back for a week.

There was that one time when he decided he was done.
She tried to fix it, they tried to fix it; everyone tried to help
But by morning, he was gone forever.

There was one time when the fighting got really bad.
We both said things we shouldn't have, and I begged her to come with me,
But she said no, and I was back at my dad's house by morning.

There was one time when he realized I was useless
And he took advantage of that,
I was soon changed forever.

There was one time when she forgot.
Just forgot to come home, make dinner, pick us up.
We walked home and didn't eat that night.

The one time it got really bad,
He didn't come home.
Moved out, walked off, and didn't look back.

The one time it got really bad, she stayed overnight.
We visited her the next morning,
She had tubes and wires in and out — everywhere.

Everyday, we all get together.
We talk and laugh, share inside jokes
But we don't know what's happening with anyone
Because its all things no one talks about.

for: Elise, Mia, Sarah, Bailey, Ashleigh, Hannah, Rebecca
song -- "Tied Together With a Smile," Taylor Swift

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