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Destroy the machine.

The same voice entered Stanley's mind as he stared at his brother's science project. For the past week, a voice that was not his continuously entered his mind. It said the same thing over and over.

Destroy the machine.

Stanley tried to black out the voice. He couldn't destroy his brother's machine. Stanford had worked so hard on it. Stanley gripped the table that the machine was on. But if it stays working, Stanford will be going to college on the other side of he country. He might lose Stanford forever.

Shaking, Stanley grabbed a hammer he had in his back pocket. He raised it, ready to strike the machine. The voice came back.

Do it Stanley. Destroy the machine.

Stanley hesitated. The voice has never said his name before. Stanley stored the hammer away and turned to leave.

What are you doing Stanley?!?

The voice sounded very agitated. Stanley covered his ears as he ran out of the high school.

I thought that you were stronger than this. No matter. You are of no use to me anymore.

The voice became mute as Stanley removed his hands. It was gone. The voice was finally gone.


Stanford looked up from the book he was reading when Stanley hastily walked into the house, sweating. Stanford smiled and let out a small chuckle. His brother always went out for a late night jog. Stanley glanced at him and smiled back. Stanley came over to the couch and sat next to Stanford.

"How was your jog?" Sanford asked, putting the book down.

"It was fine," Stanley muttered, staring off into space and losing his smile.

Stanford frowned in reply. There was something wrong with Stanley, and he knew it. Stanford put a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"What's the matter, Stanley?" Stanford asked. "And don't lie. I can tell when you do."

"You're going to think I'm crazy," Stanley replied with a sigh.

"No, I won't," Stanford said, growing more worried. "Tell me."

"For the past week, a voice that wasn't mine kept telling me to destroy your machine," Stanley explained. "Tonight, I went to the school to destroy your machine." He took out a hammer. "I was going to use this to do it. However, the voice did something that it never had before. It said my name. I was terrified of the voice, but I put the hammer away anyway. I ran all the way here, and the voice said that I was of no more use to it. It then muted, and I haven't heard it sense."

As soon as Stanley finished, Stanford frowned again.

"Stanley, I think that you should go to bed," Stanford said. "You seem like you need a rest."

Stanley protested as Stanford pushed him to his room. As soon as the door closed, Stanford made his way to his room. As he crawled into his bed, a whisper entered his ear.

I'm watching your brother, Stanford Pines.

Stanford shot up from his bed, and looked around the room for the vessel of the voice. No one was there. Stanford layed his head back, and closed his eyes. Was he going crazy? 

I don't know Stanford. 

Are you?

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now