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Stanford ran through the forest to Bill's cave. He stopped in shock when he saw that the entrance was blocked by some rocks. He shook his head, and ran by the side of the cave. What if it wasn't a cave, but a tunnel? Stanley could be on the other side. He soon reached the back of the cave, and slammed into something invisible.


Stanford looked up at the mention of his name. Stanley stood before him, his hands against an invisible force field. Stanford placed his hands above his brother's, confused.

"Stanley?" Stanford asked. 'What's going on?"

"Bill has trapped me here, and Charlotte has Sandra," Stanley replied.

"Charlotte?" Stanford asked, confused. "I thought she hated Bill."

"So did I," Stanley replied. "But she is actually working for Bill."

That means... Stanford thought.

"Fiddleford could be in danger," Stanford said out loud.

"Who?" Stanley asked.

"The man who saved me from Bill," Stanford replied.

"I wish I could help you," Stanley said, removing his hands from the force field. "But I'm stuck here. I feel so helpless."

Stanford backed away from his brother. He couldn't believe his eyes. Red fire had formed around Stanley, and his eyes turned a dark green. Yellow eyes appeared on the trees that surrounded him.

"S-Stanley, Bill was right," Stanford stuttered.

"What?" Stanley asked in confusion.

"You have powers."

"Stanford, you can't possibly-"

Stanley stopped short when Stanford held up a hand mirror.. He saw the fire around him and the change of the color in his eyes.

The same thing happened to Fiddleford when he got mad, Stanford thought, watching his brother panic.

"Stanley, calm down," Stanford said. "If you have powers, maybe you can get rid of Bill."

Stanley looked at his brother, and nodded in understanding. He suddenly looked up.

"Stanford, find Fiddleford," Stanley ordered. "Go! Now!"

"But I can't leave you!" Stanford protested. "I just got you back, I don't want to lose you again!"

"STANFORD. GO. NOW." Stanley ordered loudly, the red fire around him flaming up.

Stanford nodded at a loss for words. He took off running into the woods, glancing over his shoulder only once. The red fire disappeared from around Stanley, and he sat down.

Stanford looked back to where he was running. He needed to get back to C-Bell.


"What am I supposed to do?" Charlotte asked herself as she paced the clearing. "Bill should know that I get bored of just waiting."

She looked over to Sandra. The girl knew that she wasn't going anywhere, so she decided to pass the time. She was picking flowers, and weaving them into a small crown. A squirrel scampered into the clearing, and Sandra began to softly sing. The squirrel froze, and Sandra placed the small crown on its head. Sandra stopped singing, and the squirrel continued to scamper away, now wearing the crown.

Charlotte smiled at this. Bill will be pleased that Sandra had discovered her powers. 

But doesn't that mean that Stanley discovered his? Charlotte thought.

This made her frown. That means that Stanley could find them. She shook that thought away. No. Bill will be here, and everything will go as planned. But she can't shake away this feeling in her gut. Fiddleford has powers, and he could help Stanford find Stanley and Sandra. Charlotte shook her head. Bill has plans for them.

"I'm hungry," Charlotte heard Sandra mumble.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, and snapped her fingers. A bowl of soup appeared in Sandra's hands, and she quickly ate it. What was with humans and their need of food and drink? Sandra finished the soup, and it disappeared. Charlotte watched as the girl curled up and fell asleep. Charlotte layed down by another tree and fell fast asleep.


Bill appeared to see Stanley waiting for him. He had a smirk on his face, and Bill frowned. He couldn't have, could he?

"Hello Bill," Stanley greeted him. "I've been waiting for you."

This made Bill shift uncomfortably.

"Hello Stanley," Bill replied. "You have been waiting for me?"

"Yes. I want to say thank you."

"For what?"

"My powers."

Stanley ran at Bill, and in a sudden movement, grasped his wrist. Red fire formed around Stanley, and his eyes turned a dark green. Bill tried to jerk his wrist out of Stanley's grasp, but Stanley only gripped harder. Blue fire appeared around Bill, and is uncovered eye turned red. Bill screamed in pain as the fire left him and poured into Stanley. Bill's eye turned into a regular human eye. The fire vanished, and Bill slumped to the ground. The force field shattered, and all of the fire around Stanley vanished.

Stanley stared down at Bill, who was now a mortal. He smiled. This is what he deserves. Bill lifted his head to see Stanley take off into the sky.

"I'll be back Bill," Stanley hissed, and flew off to find his family.

Back on the ground, Bill slammed his fist on the grass. How could he have been so stupid? 

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now