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Stanford sat by Fiddleford's side as he watched his friend sleep. He was weak. Extremely weak. C-Bell had returned and was holding council with the other unicorns. Apparently, Fiddleford had an unfortunate run in with Bill and the unicorn hair didn't help him.

But why? Stanford asked himself, rubbing his chin. Is there no way to defeat Bill?

What do you think? Besides, this game would end too soon for my liking if I did have a weakness.

Stanford, don't let Bill get in your mind.


Stanford stared off into space as he let Bill and Stanley argue in his head.

You! Of course. You can enter your brother's mind too.

Get out of my brother's head Bill.

I just came to tell him that if he ever wanted to join with me-

Shut up Bill. My brother is not an idiot. He will never join you.

We will see about that.


Stanford, Bill had left your mind. Don't worry, Sandra and I will find you, and we can all defeat Bill. 

Silence again. Stanford continued to stare off into space.

"Stanford." A hand waved in front of Stanford's face. "Earth to Stanford."

Stanford blinked and shook his head. Fiddleford was waving his hand in front of Stanford's face.

"What? What is it?" Stanford asked, grabbing Fiddleford's wrist.

"Are you okay?" Fiddleford asked, trying to pry Stanford's fingers away from his wrist. "You were staring off into space for a while."

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," Stanford replied, releasing his grip on Fiddleford's wrist. "Just thinking. You're the one who I should worry about."

Fiddleford began to laugh, but it ended in a coughing fit. He stopped coughing and held his chest. Stanford gently layed Fiddleford down back onto the grass, and watched as his friend started to breathe steadily again.

"I'm fine," Fiddleford protested, looking at the concern in his friends eyes. "Really." 

"Please, Stanley has lied to me many times when we were young, so I can easily tell when you are lying," Stanford sternly said, and stood up to leave. "Now rest."


Stanford turned around to see Fiddleford standing up, worry in his eyes.

"The unicorn hair didn't work against Bill," Fiddleford said, holding his chest. "He stole back the powers he gave me. It hurts. So much. Stanford, be careful around him."

"Fiddleford, I already know that," Stanford said. "Besides, I can always get Stanley and Sandra's help."

"I saw Sandra with Charlotte."

"Stanley has her now. I'm going to go check on C-Bell and the others."


Stanford smiled as Fiddleford layed back down, and began to sleep. He silently walked into the clearing where C-Bell and the other unicorns were. They were sitting in a circle, talking quietly.

"So that's it then," a green skinned unicorn said. "We can't stop Bill."

The other unicorns said nothing, and instead hung their heads, C-Bell included. Then, a blue skinned unicorn rose its head.

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now