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Bill calmly led Stanley into a clearing. But, this wasn't an ordinary clearing. The trees surrounding it were in a perfect circle. Stanley looked closer at the trees. It looked like they had...Stanley squinted. Eyes? Yes. Eyes. Stanley stood, frozen to the spot. Bill looked back at him, and pulled the chain. Stanley fell forward, and Bill walked over to him.

"Where are we?" Stanley asked, trying to stand up.

Bill forcefully grabbed him, and stood him up.

"Welcome to my secret spot," Bill said, and made the chain disappear. "Only my assistant and I know where this is."

Stanley moved his arms making sure that they still had feeling. Bill walked away from him, and into the woods. 

"Where are you going?" Stanley asked, running after Bill.

He slammed into an invisible force field, and staggered back. Bill stopped walking, and turned around. He saw Stanley's bewildered face, and smiled. He walked right up to Stanley, and held out his hand. Stanley stepped back in surprise as Bill's hand passed through the force field. He drew his hand back, and Stanley tried to reach out. His hand landed on the force field.

"Only my assistant and I can pass through this force field," Bill said, and started to leave. "Make yourself comfortable. I will be back with your daughter."

"If you harm her!" Stanley yelled, slamming his fists against the force field.

"Relax Stanley," Bill said. "I won't. Unless she gives me trouble."

Bill laughed at Stanley, and he disappeared. Stanley uncurled his fists, and slid to the ground. He was helpless. Now, he had to help Bill. But, he knew that Stanford was still out there. If only he could find him...


Stanford paced as C-Bell kept a look out for Fiddleford. He started to grow worried. He needed to find Fiddleford, Sandra, and Stanley.

Do not worry Stanford. Your brother is safe.

Stanford gritted his teeth. Him. It was all his fault. But, now he knew that Stanley was safe. 

Come find him, if you wish. I can help you. Find me by the cave I brought you and your brother to.

Stanford stopped pacing, and looked to where Fiddleford vanished to. 

But...if you're more worried about your friend than your brother...you might want to say good-bye to him.

Stanford's hands formed into fists. He remembered what Bill had told him. Face it Stanford, your brother has everything. A wife, a child, and a loving brother. Except, you might not be as loving as he thinks you are. I can see in your eyes that you are jealous of Stanley.

"No," Stanford said out loud

C-Bell turned her head, confused.

"C-Bell, when Fiddleford comes back, tell him I left to go find my brother," Stanford said, turning to leave.

"Stanford, don't go," C-Bell said. "What if Bill finds you?"

Stanford held up his fist.

"I still have the unicorn hair," Stanford replied.

C-Bell nodded.

"Whatever you do, don't trust Bill," C-Bell said.

Stanford nodded, and took off running to the cave. No matter what, he had to find Stanley and Sandra. He just had to find them.


Charlotte roughly shook Sandra awake. She looked at her, confused for a second. Then, realizing what happened, she screamed. Charlotte covered her ears, and Sandra tried to run from her. Something tugged at her ankle, making her fall. She saw a blue chain appear, then disappear. Charlotte grabbed Sandra and pulled her into a standing position.

"Quiet Pines," she hissed. "Bill will be here any minute."

"Don't you mean right now?"

Charlotte stiffened, and turned to Bill. He grinned at them, and walked forward.

"Charlotte, keep Sandra here until I say so," Bill ordered. 

"What about Stanley?" Charlotte asked.

Bill smiled at Sandra's terrified face. He kneeled so he stared straight at Sandra's eyes.

"I've taken care of him," he said.

Sandra gasped, and Bill stood back up.

"Do what I told you to do," Bill said. "I need to get back to Stanley."

With that, Bill disappeared.

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now