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"I don't know who, or what, you have become, but you are not my brother," Stanley stated sharply, turning to leave with Sandra.

"Oh, Stanley."

Sanford grabbed his brother's shoulders and forced him to turn around so he was staring into Stanford's eyes. Stanley gasped at what he saw. One eye was yellow, while the other one was in its regular state. Stanford grinned at his brother.

"But I am," Stanford finished.

He started laughing crazily, and tightened his grip on Stanley's shoulders. Tears formed in Stanford's eyes, and Stanley was in shock at what he saw. Stanford was half laughing, half sobbing. The yellow eye showed no emotion, but the regular eye showed fear and sadness. In between the maddening state he was in, Stanford managed to choke out two words.

"H-Help m-me..."

The yellow eye narrowed, and Stanford stopped crying. He continued to laugh, letting go of Stanley's shoulders, and rising into the air.

"Good old Sixer," Stanford said, not laughing anymore. "I knew eventually you would make a deal with me. I mean, who would sacrifice everything just for their dumb sibling?"

Angry tears formed in Stanley's eyes, and he flew up to Stanford. He reared back in order to punch his brother, but Stanford held up a hand to stop him.

"Not so fast, Stanny-boy," Stanford said. "If you hurt me, you hurt him."

"Get out of my brother's body!" Stanley screamed.

Stanford frowned and tilted his head.

"But that would break our deal," Stanford said, but it was more like a whine. "Not to mention it'll ruin the fun."

"Fun? Fun?!?" Stanley grew more angry by the second. "You call possessing bodies fun?!?"

Stanford laughed, but it wasn't in his voice. It was in Bill's.

"You're so funny when you're angry," Bill/Stanford said mockingly. "But yes, it is fun. Very fun. You should know. You can possess bodies too."

Bill/Stanford frowned and nodded his head.

"Fine, I'll let you be in control," Bill/Stanford said. "But only for a little bit."

The regular eye widened, and Bill/Stanford started to breathe heavily.

"S-Stanley..." he stuttered in Stanford's voice. "I-I'm sorry I made the deal. I thought that you were hurt, or worse. I-"

"Hey, it's okay," Stanley said, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I would have done the same."

Stanford pulled Stanley into a bro-hug. Stanley hugged him back.

"bill has a weak spot," Stanford whispered. "Find it, and you can save me. I wrote about it in-"

"That's enough control."

Stanford pushed Stanley off him and smirked. The yellow eye was narrowed, telling Stanley that Bill was now in control. 

"I'm sorry Sixer, but you can't tell your brother anything about my weaknesses," Bill/Stanford said. "That would break our deal."

"Bill, leave him alone!" Stanley shouted, his fury growing.

Bill/Stanford's smirk grew wider until it turned into a sickly grin.

"To make this game more interesting, I'll give you a choice," Bill/Stanford said. "Your brother. Or-" he looked down. "Your daughter."

Stanley looked down in surprise to see Sandra in mid air, surrounded by black fire. Charlotte was floating next to her with folded arms and a grin plastered on her face. Stanley looked back at Bill/Stanford. He lowered his head.

"I'm sorry Stanford," he whispered.

Stanley flew right at Charlotte, and tackled her. The fire around Sandra disappeared, and she flew towards Bill/Stanford. She tried to punch him, but he grabbed her wrist.

"Not so fast girly," he said, and threw her towards the ground.

Sandra screamed as she plummeted towards the ground. Before she hit the ground, she felt someone grab her. She found her self staring at Fiddleford. He smiled at her, and she looked at him in shock.

"Fiddleford?" Sandra asked. "But how?"

"Your father gave me some of his powers," Fiddleford replied, setting Sandra down. "Now, go help Stanley. I'll deal with Bill."

Sandra nodded, and Fiddleford flew up to Bill/Stanford. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"You again?!?" he asked angrily. "I thought that Charlotte got rid of you!"

"You thought wrong," Fiddleford said, and blasted Bill/Stanford.

Bill/Stanford cried out in pain, and fell towards the ground. Fiddleford flew after him, and grabbed his hand. A yellow fire surrounded their hands, and he pulled. Bill/Stanford screamed in pain as the two bodies were pulled from each other. Bill fell to the ground, and Fiddleford held onto Stanford.

Stanford groaned and opened his eyes. He told Fiddleford that he was okay, so he let go of his hand. They flew down to where Bill was. He was standing, holding his left arm. His face was perminatly angered, and he gritted his teeth.

"ALRIGHT!" Bill screamed, his uncovered eye turning red. "NO MORE GAMES!!!"

A portal appeared behind him, and a strong wind began pulling them into it. Stanley and Sandra were pushing Charlotte towards the portal, despite her fighting against them. She was successfully pushed into it by them, and they flew over to Stanford and Fiddleford.

"Fiddleford, Sandra, stay back," Stanley ordered.

They nodded, and backed away. Stanley turned to help his brother throw Bill into the portal, but was met with a fist to the face. Bill grabbed Stanford and threw him into the portal, screaming.

"STANFORD!!!" Stanley screamed, tears forming in his eyes.

Bill lunged at Stanley and grabbed him. Stanley struggled in his grasp.

"You're next," Bill said.

But before Bill could throw Stanley into the portal, Sandra rammed into him. Stanley wrenched out of Bill's grasp and Bill staggered backwards towards the portal. A six-fingered hand appeared, and grabbed Bill's arm. It pulled Bill closer to the portal, but Bill grabbed Sandra's arm. She shrieked as she was being dragged into the portal.

"SANDRA!" Stanley screamed, trying to grab at his daughter.

"DADDY!" Sandra screamed back.

Before Stanley reached her, she was dragged into the portal and it closed. A bright light appeared, and an unseen force threw Stanley and Fiddleford backwards into a tree, making them black out.

A few minutes passed by, and they opened their eyes. Stanford and Sandra were gone. All gone. Fiddleford hung his head, and Stanley slammed his fists against the ground. Tears fell. From both men.

"No matter what, I will bring you two back."


What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now