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Stanley impatiently paced the floor of his room. It was the night of judging, and Stanford was at the high school. The voice was still mute, filling him with hope that it had altogether vanished from his mind. His head jerked up as he heard a door open and close. Stanley ran downstairs, and faced an excited Stanford.

His eyes were shinning, and he pulled Stanley into a bro-hug. Stanley gasped, and tried to escape his brother's death grasp. Their parents came in, their mother holding their sleeping baby brother, Shermie.

"How'd it go, son?" their father asked.

"I was accepted!" Stanford yelled, and released Stanley. "Not only that, but I can start on Monday!"

"T-That's great," Stanley gasped, holding his sides.

"Son, I'm so proud of you," their father said.

Stanford smiled and laughed. Their mother went back to her room, and their father led Stanford upstairs to his room. Stanley walked into the living room by himself, the smile vanishing from his face. He sat down on the couch and began to think, grateful that the voice was gone.

Laughter entered his mind, and Stanley cried out in surprise.

I never left your mind, Stanley Pines.

Stanley gripped the sides of his head.

That won't block me. You have shown weakness in not destroying the machine.

Stanley gripped his head harder.

Now Stanford will be on the other side of the country. Leaving you alone.

Stanley didn't notice the tears streaming down his face.

All alone. 

"Get out of my head!" Stanley yelled.

Stanley felt a hand on his shoulder. In one swift move, he turned around and grabbed a wrist. He stood there, holding the wrist of Stanford.  

Stanford looked at his brother, shocked at what he saw. Stanley, the toughest of the two brothers, was crying. Stanley barely cried. Stanley suddenly cried out, and let go of Stanford's wrist. 

Stanley saw that Stanford's eyes were yellow with black slits, and he saw Stanford grin. He let go of Stanford's wrist, and backed up. He shook his head, and Stanford returned to normal. Stanley placed a hand to his head. He was going crazy.

"Are you okay, Stanley?" Stanford asked.

Stanley didn't answer, and ran out of the house. He needed to get as far away from there as possible.

Stanford watched in confusion as his brother ran out of the house. 

Your brother is upset.

The voice entered Stanford's mind again, making Stanford grow angry. It was the voice's fault. It was the thing that broke Stanley down. 

Laughter answered him.

That's right Stanford. Unlike your parents, I've been watching over your brother his whole life. I will not show myself to you two. Yet. I'll wait until the perfect time. I can see into the future, and I can see your brother not going anywhere. He has no one to blame. No one, but you.

Stanford grew worried and took off running to their childhood swing set at the beach.

Finding him won't solve anything. He lost at life. 

Stanford kept running. He had to find Stanley before the voice manipulated him. He soon found Stanley sitting alone on one of the swings. He sat next to him, and looked at Stanley worriedly.

"Are you okay, Stanley?" Stanford asked.

"I am now," Stanley answered.

"Liar," Stanford muttered, ignoring Stanley's sigh. He turned to face his brother. "Listen, about the voice...it's been entering my head too."

At this, Stanley perked up.

"So, I'm not going crazy?" he asked.

"It said that it has been watching you your whole life," Stanford said. "And it will wait until the perfect time to show itself to us."

"The perfect time?" Stanley asked. "What does it mean by that?"

"I don't know," Stanford answered.

Stanley started to shake, and Stanford looked at him in surprise.

"Stanford, I'm scared," Stanley said.

"Scared?" Stanford asked, surprised. "About what?"

"About my future," Stanley said. "I'm failing all of my classes, and if I keep that up, I might not have a life."

Stanford smiled at his brother.

"Listen, we can go home, and I can help you with your work, okay?" he asked.

Stanley pulled Stanford into a bro-hug.

"Thank you, Stanford," Stanley said.

Stanford returned the hug.

Brotherly love. I wonder if I can break it.

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now