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Stanley stared at the blocked entryway, tears rolling down his cheeks. He was stricken with too much grief to even realize that Bill had a hand on his shoulder. Stanley looked at him through water soaked eyes. Bill's uncovered eye was red, and his face was permanently angry.

"Stanley Pines," Bill hissed. "You shouldn't have done that."

"What do you want with us?" Stanley asked fearfully.

"I already told you," Bill replied, forming a maroon colored chain in his hand. "I need your help."

Bill grabbed Stanley's wrist, and forcefully strapped the chain to his wrist. Stanley didn't struggle, and soon the maroon chain was tied around him, pinning his arms to his side.

"No struggle?" Bill asked, pulling the chain. "I thought you were stronger than this."

Stanley fumbled forward, not saying anything.

At least Sandra's safe, Stanley thought, trying to keep up with Bill as he lumbered on.

Bill laughed, and turned around. He stared straight into Stanley's face, his eye still blood red.

"You think that your precious little daughter is safe?" Bill asked. "Think again, Stanley."

He held up his hand, palm side up. A scene appeared above his hand. Stanley's heart sank as he saw Charlotte carrying an unconscious Sandra deep into the woods. Charlotte's eyes were pitch black, and she stared straight at Stanley.

"Bill, I know you are watching," Charlotte said. "Where should I bring the girl?"

Bill grinned as Stanley watched the scene unfold.

"Bring her to the usual area," Bill said. "I'll meet you there. I have the other part of the project."

He pulled on Stanley's chain, making him lose his balance.

"Yes sir," Charlotte replied.

The scene disappeared, and Bill forced Stanley into a standing position.

"Now, try to keep up," Bill ordered, as he walked forward.

Stanley obeyed wordlessly, and they soon reached the end of the cave. Bill tapped it with his finger, and a doorway appeared. Bill walked into the doorway, dragging Stanley with him.


"We're here."

Fiddleford and Stanford climbed off of C-Bell's back and walked into the clearing. There were many unicorns, and they all nodded their heads when Fiddleford and Stanford walked towards them.

"I feel like I'm in a little girl's fantasy," Stanford stated as he followed Fiddleford.

"Trust me, don't underestimate these unicorns," Fiddleford sternly said.

He bent down and picked up a leaf.

"Do you see this leaf?" Fiddleford asked.

"Uh...yes," Stanford replied, confused.

"This leaf is you," Fiddleford said, letting the leaf go. "You are in a world where you drift along, carefree and oblivious to your surroundings."

"Hey!" Stanford angrily said.

"Let me finish," Fiddleford said sharply. "You are just drifting along, then Bill comes along."

The leaf hit a tree branch, shredding it into many pieces. Stanford's heart almost stopped.

"The unicorns here protect us from Bill by their hair," Fiddleford said, taking out a notebook. "There is something magical in their hair, and I intend to find out what it is."

"Why?" Stanford asked.

"So I can invent something to completely vanquish Bill from our world," Fiddleford replied, staring straight at Stanford. "He can't exist anymore. He has caused enough trouble.

Stanford looked back Fiddleford with concern in his eyes. Fiddleford's face wavered, and he looked away.

"Fiddleford, are you okay?" Stanford asked, placing a hand on Fiddleford's shoulder.

"No, I'm not!" Fiddleford yelled, and turned back around, tears forming in his eyes. "Do you know what it's like to lose your family and find out that it was all your fault?!?"

"N-No," Stanford stammered.

Fiddleford shrugged off Stanford's hand. He took off, running deeper into the woods. Stanford was about to follow, but C-Bell held out her hoof to stop him.

"Let him go, Stanford," C-Bell said.

"What happened between him and Bill?" Stanford asked.

C-Bell shook her head.

"You don't need to know that backstory," C-Bell stated, and trotted back to her group.

Stanford stared into the forest. What was Fiddleford hiding?


Fiddleford paced back and forth in a clearing, thinking. Should he tell Stanford about the dangers Bill possesses? He stopped pacing, and sighed. He pulled out a locket from his lab coat pocket. In it was a wedding photo of him and Charlotte. Her smile was wide, and so was Fiddleford's. Fiddleford started to cry softly, and placed his head in his hands.

'Till death do us part...

Those words burned in Fiddleford's head. Ever since Charlotte was killed by Bill. And it was his fault. All his fault.

Footsteps approached, and Fiddleford disappeared behind a tree. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the person who walked into the clearing. It was Charlotte.


Charlotte entered the clearing, still holding the unconscious Sandra. She layed her down by a tree, and made a blue chain in her hand. She carefully strapped it to Sandra's ankle, then tied it around the tree. It glowed, then disappeared. Charlotte smiled, and stood back up. She felt a presence behind her, and lashed out her hand. Fiddleford caught it, his face full of anger.

"F-Fiddleford?" she asked in surprise. "Y-You're still alive?"

"I should ask the same thing," Fiddleford harshly said.

"What do you mean?" Charlotte asked, struggling in Fiddleford's grasp. "I saw the fire engulf you! I thought you were dead!"

"Well, I'm not," Fiddleford said, releasing Charlotte's wrist. "What are you doing to that child? And how did you form a chain out of midair?"

A sly smile crawled up her face, and her black eyes stared into Fiddleford's soul.

"I have many talents you have failed to notice," Charlotte hissed. "I can see in your mind where Stanford Pines is. I have his niece, Sandra. Bill would like them both."

"Who are you and what have you done with Charlotte?" Fiddleford angrily asked.

"I have always been by my master's side, even before I met you," Charlotte said. "I married you just because it was part of my mission. I never really loved you."

Fiddleford's heart broke in two. With all my heart... It was a lie. A big lie. He threw the locket at Charlotte, and it bounced off her head.

"Now, the only person in the way of my whole mission," she smiled wider as she stepped on the locket. It broke into several pieces. "Is you."

She created a blue whip with red fire on its tip, and flicked it towards Fiddleford. He held up his arms in defense, and the whip bounced off of an invisible force field.

"What?" Charlotte asked, becoming angry. "Why can't I hurt you?"

"You already did," Fiddleford whispered, tears streaming down his face.

He took off running back to the unicorns, not looking back.

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now