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"Wait, you helped Bill?" Stanford asked, backing away from Fiddleford.

"I did," Fiddleford answered. "I used to think that he was my friend. He helped me through tough times. That all changed when I discovered he killed my family. I approached Bill, and he said that they got in the way of his plans. I told him that I quit, and I tried to get out of this place. But-" Fiddleford looked at Stanford with stern eyes. -"I couldn't escape. I fled into the woods where I  decide to live with the creatures of supernatural. Listen Stanford, we need to find a way out of this crazy town."

"How do you know my name?" Stanford asked.

"Everyone knows of the genius Pines brothers," Fiddleford answered, walking away. "That's why Bill captured you. He needs you and your brothers help. He also wants you to become his helper."

Stanford was stunned. Why would Bill want him to be his helper? A sharp whistle entered his mind, and he looked at Fiddleford. Fiddleford looked back at him, tapping his foot.

"Well, do you want to get out of here, or not?" Fiddleford hissed.

Stanford followed Fiddleford into the woods. He ran fast, and soon Stanford was out of breath.

"Fiddleford! Wait!" Stanford yelled, leaning against a tree. "I need to rest!" 

Fiddleford stopped, and ran back to Stanford.

"There is no time to rest," he hissed. "We must flee into the woods far away from the cave."

"But can't Bill find us?" Stanford asked, straightening up.

Fiddleford smirked, and leaned against a tree. 

"No, he can't," Fiddleford replied, then whistled. Stanford covered his ears. "I protected myself with unicorn hair. Here."

He handed Stanford a lock of hair that was rainbow. He looked at Fiddleford, confused.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Stanford asked.

Fiddleford held up a fist, and his lab coat sleeve fell down. Tied around his wrist was unicorn hair. Stanford took his unicorn hair and tied it around his wrist. A bubble appeared around him that showed many different symbols. The bubble soon disappeared, and Stanford stood there in shock.

"That's incredible," Stanford whispered.

"Eh, you get used to it when you grow up here," Fiddleford replied, folding his arms. "Our ride should be here any second."

"So, when did you first meet Bill?" Stanford asked.

Fiddleford sulked, and turned. "I...I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh," Stanford replied, and turned. "Well, he first entered my brother's mind when we were in high school. Apparently Bill had saved Stanley from dying when he was a baby."

Fiddleford stiffened at this. He unfolded his arms and turned to Stanford, eyes wide.

"Um...something wrong?" Stanford asked.

"H-How can Bill save a life?" Fiddleford asked, grabbing his head. "He can only destroy lives!"

"He saved Stanley's life though," Stanford said.

Fiddleford grabbed Stanford's shoulder.

"No! No! Listen to me Stanford!" Fiddleford yelled. "Bill is lying! The image he showed you was fake! He wants you to join him! He'S NoThInG BuT A DiRtY, StInKiNg, LiAr!!!"

Fiddleford's eyes started to glow blue as his voice became distorted. Stanford moved away from him and watched in awe as Fiddleford grabbed his head. Tears streamed down his face, and he continued yelling in a distorted voice.

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now