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Bill watched angrily as Stanley flew off. He was going to find his family. He was going to ruin his plan. Bill began to run through the forest and back to his cave.

Stupid mortal body, he thought with clenched teeth. I should have been more careful.

He heard footsteps approaching him, and he froze. In one swift movement, he pulled a familiar face out of the bushes. Bill glared at the familiar face, and the face glared back.

"Fiddleford," Bill spat.

"Bill," Fiddleford spat back.

"I haven't seen you since that day you quit."

"You know what happened on that day."

"Ah yes. What a pity."

"Charlotte was your assistant the whole time."

"Yes, I know."

"But you can't harm me." 

"Why not?"

"Unicorn hair."

Bill laughed. "That won't stop me. Besides, I don't need you anymore."

"Why's that?"

"I'll get a new helper."

"You mean Stanford?"

"What have you done with him?!?"

"I set him free."

Bill threw Fiddleford to the ground. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Keep calm Bill," he told himself. "There has to be a way. There has to be...a..."

He looked at Fiddleford, and idea forming in his head. He grinned, and Fiddleford looked at him in fear. 

"I did give you powers," Bill said, yanking Fiddleford to a standing position. "I can always take them away."

"No matter what you do to me, I'll never let you manipulate Stanford," Fiddleford hissed.

"Oh really?" Bill sneered.

He placed a finger on Fiddleford's forehead. Yellow fire formed around Fiddleford, and his eyes turned blue. Fiddleford screamed in pain as the fire began to crawl up Bill's arm. The fire left Fiddleford, making his eyes turn back to their regular state. Bill laughed manically as the fire flowed into him, making his eye turn a mixture of blue and red. He felt stronger and stronger each passing second. The fire disappeared, and Bill stood there, with regained powers.

Fiddleford's eyes closed, and he fell, limp, in Bill's arms.

"I just stole back the powers I gave to you," Bill hissed at the limp figure in his arms. "Now, you're nothing more than simply." He paused, grinning. "A rag doll."

Fiddleford didn't reply, and Bill's grin grew wider.

"You're so weak," Bill said. "I guess I can just kill you. Right here. Right now. You could say hello to your children for me." An idea started to form in his head. "But I won't kill you. Yet. I have a job for you."

With that, Bill disappeared to look for Stanford, dragging Fiddleford with him.   

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now