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"Mr. Pines, I'm impressed," Stanley's teacher said. "A perfect 100."

Stanley almost shouted with joy and relief. After Stanford helped him with his homework, Stanley became smarter by the second. He had impressed all of his teachers, and he wasn't failing anymore. He was even accepted to a college called Gravity Falls University.

Soon, Stanley was at his college, and Stanford was at his college. Stanley met a girl at Gravity Falls University name Carla. They graduated after four years, and moved into the town of Gravity Falls. A year passed, and Stanford moved into a house next to Stanley and Carla.

Four years after that, Stanley proposed to Carla, and they were married the next day. Stanford was the best man, and their parents and Shermie were at the wedding.

Five years after that, Carla had a baby girl, named Sandra. When Sandra turned six, Carla took her on a special trip for her birthday. Back in Gravity Falls, Stanley and Stanford decided to meet up and walk around the town.

"Hey Stanley, remember the voice from when we were seniors in high school?" Stanford asked suddenly.

"Why are you bringing it up?" Stanley asked in confusion as he glanced at his brother. "But yeah, I remember it. It hasn't entered my mind since then. What about you?"

"No," Stanford answered, shaking his head. "I hope it has left forever."

"Mr. Pines and Mr. Pines," a woman said, stepping in front of the brothers.

"Yes?" they asked, stopping short.

The woman looked at them with cold, blue eyes. Her long, blonde hair covered half of her face. She was wearing a tight, black dress with black heeled boots. She held a notebook in her arms, and held it close to her when she stopped the brothers.

"Mr. Cipher is awaiting you," she said. "My name is Charlotte. Come with me Pines."

The brothers looked at each other before shrugging, and let Charlotte lead them away. She led them into the forest, and after a few minutes, they soon reached a clearing.

A tall man with black shoes, black pants, a black top hat and a long yellow jacket, was standing there, his back turned to them.   

"Mr. Cipher, I brought them," Charlotte said.

The man snapped his fingers, and Charlotte gasped. She shook her head, and looked at the brothers. 

"Don't trust this man!" Charlotte yelled, grabbing Stanford by his shoulders.

The man snapped his fingers again, and Charlotte fell, limp, in Stanford's arms. A blue cloud surrounded her, and she rose into the sky. The man snapped his fingers again, and Charlotte disappeared from sight.

"Finding help is harder than it was last time I was here," the man said in an all too familiar voice.

Stanford and Stanley glanced at each other, before starting to back away.

"Don't leave yet, Pines brothers," the man said, and clapped once.

Stanford and Stanley tried to move, but they couldn't. They were frozen to the spot.

"I see you recognized my voice," the man said, and turned around.

His yellow hair was spikey, he wore a black bow tie, a white dress shirt, and a black eye-patch covered his left eye. His right eye was yellow with a black slit in the middle.

"Who are you?" Stanley asked.

"My name is Bill Cipher, and I'm a dream demon," the man answered. "I can enter your minds when I please. I know a lot about you both. Right now, I'm in my human form. I told Stanford that I'll wait until the right time to reveal myself to you two."

"What do you want from us?" Stanford asked.

"Your help," Bill answered.

"With what?" Stanley asked.

"Just a little project," Bill answered, smirking.

The brothers looked at each other. Project? What project? 

"You'll find out, Pines."

What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now