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Stanford was about to yell to the unicorns not to come into the clearing when Biddleford covered his mouth.

"Say anything about me and I will kill you," Biddleford hissed in his ear.

Stanford, terrified, nodded, and Biddleford uncovered his mouth.

"Good," Biddleford said, smirking. "They wouldn't believe you either if you told them. I still have his voice, so they would just think that you are crazy."

"What do you want with me?" Stanford asked, glaring.

"I already told you, I need another helper," Biddleford stated sharply. "Charlotte helps, but I need another one."

"What makes you think I will help you?" Stanford asked, folding his arms.

"Because you would do anything to save your brother," Biddleford said smugly, and waved his hand.

A scene wavered into view. Stanley was terribly hurt. He was standing, holding his right arm and his left eye swollen shut. Behind him was a dead fox that was layed across the unconscious form of Sandra. She was terribly hurt too. Her left arm was cut open and was forever bleeding. In front of all of them was Charlotte. Black fire was all around her, and her face was perminatly a scowl. She raised her arm to shoot a black fireball at them, when the scene suddenly paused.

"I can give her the command not to kill your brother," Biddleford said, holding out his hand. "You just have to say you will become my helper."

Stanford looked back at the scene. I'll always be here for you, Stanley. Stanford looked at Biddleford's hand. It was lit up with blue fire. Hesitantly, he shook it. Biddleford grinned.

"Welcome to the team."


"We're almost there!" Fiddleford yelled as they kept running to the clearing.

They soon arrived to a scene that made Stanley's heart stop. There, on the ground, was the unconscious form of Fiddleford, and there Stanford stood, shaking hands with Bill.

"Stanford! What are you doing!" Stanley yelled, running into the clearing.

Stanford looked at his brother, shocked that he was alive. 

"S-Stanley?" Stanford asked in disbelief. "Your alive?" He looked back to Bill. "You lied to me."

"Of course I did," Bill said. "What kind of a demon would I be if I didn't?"

Stanford realized his mistake a little too late and Bill flew into his body. Stanford grabbed his head and screamed in pain.

"Stanford!" Stanley cried out and grabbed his brother's arms.

Sandra ran over to help her dad, and Fiddleford did too, after he left the fox's body and back into his own. Stanford suddenly stopped struggling, and pushed them all off.

"Stanford?" Fiddleford asked.

Stanford looked at them and began to laugh. 

"It's okay guys," Stanford said. "I'm fine. He didn't take over my body."

All three of them sighed with relief, and Charlotte came crashing through the trees.

"Master!" she cried out. "They escaped! I couldn't-"

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw them. Anger boiled up in her, and black fire formed around her.

"WhAt DiD YoU Do To My MaStEr?!?" Charlotte yelled, her voice becoming distorted. "YoU WiLl Pay!"

She raised her arm, and shot a black fireball at them. 

"No!" Fiddleford shouted, leaping in front of them.

Just before the fireball hit him, Stanley's hand brushed past his shoulder, giving Fiddleford back his powers, and making him disappear. The smoke cleared and Fiddleford was nowhere to be seen.

"I-I just killed Fiddleford," Charlotte said, a grin appearing on her face. "My master would be so proud of me."

Stanford laughed. "Yes he would, Charlotte."

"Uncle Stanford?" Sandra asked. "Are you okay?"

"Now I am, you little brat," Stanford said, and lunged for Sandra.

Sandra squeaked in surprise and jumped into the air, not realizing that she was floating.

"Stanford, what's wrong with you?" Stanley asked, as Sandra landed next to him.

"Indeed Stanley, what is wrong with your brother?" Stanford asked, standing in front of Stanley. "You answer me that." 


What If... (EDITED 8/28/18)Where stories live. Discover now