3 - Where? Part 1

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Natasha POV

Whilst Coulson is calling Fury, I pick up that the men were talking, as well as using morse code to communicate. 'Not that bad after all, I guess' I think. They are vocally speaking about how their gonna transfer Barton and morse code tapping what the address is. To sum it all up, they were planning to transfer Barton via multiple transport changes including the use of multiple planes, boats, trains and cars leading to one final destination. They morse coded the address. I start writing it all down: " ..-. .. -. .--. .- -.-. -.- / .-- .- .-. . .... --- ..- ... . --..-- / -. --- .-. - .... / . -. - .-. .- -. -.-. . --..-- / ..- .-.. .- .- -. -... .- .- - .- .-. --..-- / -- --- -. --. --- .-.. .. .- "

I start to translate it and get a somewhat familiar address it meant:
" Finpack warehouse, North entrance, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia "

I had been there a couple of times before when I was still working for the KGB. One of which went terribly wrong. I was around 11 then and it was one of my first missions out of Russia.


I was on the roof scouting out a dance party. The host of the party had gotten on the KGB's radar in a bad way. I am here in Ulaanbaatar for a kill mission. I scale down the pipes on the roof to the ground. Attached to me, I had everything a spy/assassin would need, courtesy of red room and KGB. The host of the party goes into a large refurnished room with another huge, muscly man. I attach small listening device on the door. I hear them talk about....the KGB's fall? It then hits me, they're planning to destroy the KGB. "Even though I hate the people there, I still love mother Russia. The KGB is the only thing I have, everyone and everything else is dead or gone" that's all I thought about at that moment. Now I definitely couldn't mess this mission up.

I plan out a plan on how to kill the man. But then I think about who else would know how to cause the fall of the KGB. This man might have told other people. Uurgh... I'll think about that later. So, I will smash in through the window, shoot the large man, sedate the other, tie him up and contact the KGB. Perfect. Now for the real thing. I smash in through the window, get a clean shoot on the large man through the head. I then sedate the other man through a type of gas only the weak are vulnerable to. I am not weak. I tie him up and lean him against a wall. I contact the KGB and they tell me to pry open the information from him here and now. This is gonna be real interesting, I have never done an interrogation for real before, time to test my skills...

Hours later...

I get all the information I needed. "Now to kill you" I whispered, not expecting him to hear me. "What?! You said that if I give you information, you would let me go!" Stupid. How stupid must one be to actually trust the Black Widow? Sure, I might be really young and small but I'm still not a person to be underestimated. Never. Underestimate. Me.

" When I got this mission I was told that it would be difficult, is this really all you are? A weak, rich man in a business suit?" I'm so unimpressed. He stayed silent. I guess he finally figured out talking only made things worse. I pull out my knife and press it against my finger. I look at him, then at my knife. I reach for his neck and start cutting into it when suddenly a little toddler came in, probably around 2 to 4. She looked at me in fear, worry and... in deep innocence.

Ivan told me to always kill all witnesses. But, I can't, this one's just too innocent. I can't kill her. I start pacing up and down the room, contemplating what I should do. Ivan said kill all witnesses. Kill all witnesses. Kill all witnesses. Uurgh...... I can't. She's too young to give any information away, I'm sure. It should be okay to let this one slip. I advance towards the child, tell her that everything is alright, turn her around and shut the door. I look back at the man and quickly slit his throat. I climb out the window and catch my ride back to the red room.

1 day later....

I am training with Bogatir, my physical trainer when suddenly Ivan smashes in. He is holding a TV control and drags me like an animal into to his office, where he sits me down. "Would you like to explain this! Hmm.." He asks me. There on the TV screen is the russian news. Flashing across the headlines, are information of how I look, and a picture of the toddler I spared. The reporter is talking about what the little girl had seen, me. Great, now the whole of Russia will be harassed by the press. And as for me, I'm in deep waters.


Sorry I haven't been updating for some time. I will try to update more often. Please comment on what you want to see more and less of in my story. Thanks for reading!

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