10 - Ugh!

223 11 8

A/N: Hey! I'm sorry I didn't update😭😭😭 I probably say that like every update so for now, expect slow and unstable update times, I just haven't been really motivated to write but I did write this one for you guys. Sorry if it's trashy...

Natasha POV

I continue inspecting the site and come to a conclusion that no one was here. I put on my stark tech again and asked K.A.M.J.A to again, scan for heat signatures. None. "Miss Romanoff, I'm picking up a lump of something approximately three meters away from you". I walk closer to the 'lump' with Amora close behind me when the 'lump' starts looking less of a 'lump'.

It was in fact a pile.

A heap.

A mountain.

Of bodies. Dead bodies...

None of them however were decaying, they looked preserved, likely due to the cold but it was still atrocious to look at. As I walk around the bodies, I noticed a mark on each of her targets. It was more like initials. It spelled out, L.TR. But, that's a mystery for another time, although I think I may know who this person is...

I shine the light all over the room. Then I see cylindrical yellow tubes. Again, with dead bodies again. I take notice that they're bodies too are not decaying and they don't seem to have died a long time ago. All 12 tubes have glass breaks in them. Meaning it was a forced entry, obviously. They looked to have been strangled to death.

This is a whole new game.

I think back to my days with the KGB and if they had anything to do with this. But I only get a stabbing pain in my head. Ugh! The KGB did have something to do with it. That explains the pain.

You see, I got brainwashed countless times when I was younger in the red room and if I ever try to remember what got wiped, I just get a pain like daggers embedded into your skull.

I look around the place and hear a very very slight shuffling... And then a loud one! I quickly look left, right and behind me. To see...


Ugh! To think I was actually getting somewhere!

"Amora, can you just stay here?" I sigh.

"Fine, whatever Natalia" she replies.

I contemplate wether to complain about calling me Natalia but I just decided not to. Just a waste of time.

I walk further into the labyrinth and see a corridor to which I walk down. I stop right in the middle of it to hear for any noises. If this is Amora... Why did I have to let her come!

Wait, I hear something. A soft shuffling sound, undetectable to a normal human ear but not to me, since I had enhancements in the red room. I move towards where I heard the sound, and see a door marked, 'рельеф укрытие'. (A/N: hehe, I troll, unless u know Russian Coz I don't, n used google translate. Not important words tho, just felt like it).

I slowly push the door open but quickly hide behind the wall, in case of traps. As I thought, as soon as the door opens, guns start blazing. When the firing stops, I look around and do a roll in and find cover fast. Them I see a man. Guns in hand, trained right on my head. Great. Just great.

1. I got freaked out because of Amora's freakish/sudden appearance.
2. She tells me the red room wasn't actually destroyed.
3. I find this hydra base which is NOT the red room!
4. I find dead bodies everywhere in this base.
5. Where I am now, point blank range with a gun at my head. Thank you Amora.

Now you might be wondering, where is Amora, well, she's probably in this room just eating popcorn and watching me about to die. So typical of her, I think, shaking my head.

I still can't see who's trying to kill me though. I mean, if I'm going to die today, I wanna know who kills me. As Ivan Somodorov would say, "an honourable death if at the hands of the finest". He told me that every time I had a test to kill someone. According to him, I would be someone honourable to die by the hands of.

I'm not sure if I believe in that ideal now though, I sure did when I was younger.

I finally snap out of my thoughts to be invited with a thud to the head. I lose balance for a mere second before I get back into the game. "Who - are - you?" I ask, in between hits and blocks.

He remains silent. Gosh this guy is annoying.

I give him a hard right jab only to be blocked by a very very hard material. I think I might have just broke a few bones. You're probably thinking, "how can you not tell?!". My answer, "Meh". (A/N: she probs wouldn't say that but meh)

I decide to take a quick inspection to see my right hand slightly crooked. Great!

I continue to fight, throwing kicks, hooks, punches but they're all being defended by his left arm. And it's staring to hurt A LOT. "What on earth is your arm made out of?!" I shout when I manage to get a little away from him.

Silence, no reply. I'm starting to really like this guy... Apart from the fact that he's trying to kill me!

"Vib-rhe-num" he finally replied. But what's "vibrhenum"? I don't know. I'll figure it out if I make it out though.

Hang on, that, that's a sort of metal, I've heard whispers of it before. That mean... He has a metal arm!


It can't be. He's dead. The Winter Soldier died years ago. Didn't he?

Okay, calm, he's still here. What should I do? Umm. Come on think! That's it! He has a metal arm!

All I need to do is put a small EMP device on his arm! And I do exactly that. While his arm is out, I give him a hard blow to the head, and he's out cold. I quickly attach hand retainers on him and get a good look at him. I have a strong vibe that I've seen him from somewhere, but I'm not sure when and where. Agh! I clutch my head as as surging pain hits my head from thinking about where I've seen him. Yep, I definitely know him from somewhere.

I call out to Amora for help with this man, just to see her appear in the corner. So I was right. She was watching.

"Help me out here!" I tell her.

She gives out a mirthless chuckle and helps me with the metal armed man.

And off we go, back to headquarters.

A/N: Thanks for sticking around coz I took FOREVER. Hope u guys liked it and tell me what u think! Bye!

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