4 - Where? Part 2

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This is continuing the flashback story...

He starts to rant about how foolish I was with the little girl and I zone out. What felt like days later of ranting he finally takes me out of my subconsciousness by barking orders and questions one after the next.

"О чем вы думали , не еда в течение недели, почему ты не убил ее, не было , потому что вашей вины или эмоций или просто из-за вашей глупости простой ! Иди в свою комнату , мне нужно , чтобы начать фазу 2 вашего обучения ... " (What were you thinking, no food for a week, why didn't you kill her, was it because of your guilt or emotions or just because of your plain stupidity! Go to your room, I need to start phase 2 of your training...)

A/N: everything Ivan says is in Russian, I'm not gonna write in russian unless any of you readers want me to.

I start to turn around, heading to the door when I hear him whisper "phase 2, cold hearts" I continue walking out so that he doesn't realise that I had heard what he just said. I go into my 'room' which really is just a cell that has it's sides covered. It is tiny with a small wardrobe for my catsuits and my weapon, and a small thin sheet for me to sleep on. They treat me like an animal here but, it is all I have and I should be grateful.

I get into my thin sheet of cloth to sleep in but am unable to do so. I don't stay still because it is too hard for me to sleep at the moment. I can't stop thinking about what phase 2 was.

Hours later....

Now the sun has risen and I still haven't slept a bit. But, I should be able to fight at my strongest. I can go for 48 hours without any sleep.

I walk towards my wardrobe and change into my combat suit and head to the training room. Everything for me in this area is trash except for the training room, it's my favourite place. I do my regular routine until Ivan came in with Bogatir and some other armed men.

They grab my arms and drag me to a metal chair with wires hanging. I start thrashing around but the men are too strong, it's no use. They push me into the chair and start strapping me to it. Resistance is futile, and, I'm still at a lost on what is happening.......Got it. This must be phase 2 of my training. Oh no, NO. "Please sir, please don't" I plead with Ivan. I have no idea what is about to happen. I've never seen this place before. He stalks towards me with an evil grin. "I am merely helping you to better in your career, my Natalia. After this, you will feel no emotions except for anger. You will not sense guilt or sadness. You shall be a refined weapon, assassin, the first and best Black Widow". Woah. Woah. Woah. Back up. Did he say no emotions? I can't have no emotions! Without them I will never be normal, never be human. I would be....a monster. "Natasha. Natasha?"

*end of flashback*

I snap out of my thoughts when Coulson starts calling me. I begin to notice that I am almost shaking. Almost. I reinforce my facade and notice that Coulson is staring at me. "Are you okay Romanoff?" "Yea, I'm fine", I reply.

He continues staring at me for a little longer with confusion but decides not to say anything. ......... I decide to break the silence, "Shall we make a move?" "I'm sorry, but Director Fury told me that this is a solo mission, he needs me and my team to attend to my ex-agent, Grant Ward, he's hydra now so if we mange to capture him, I'll let you know and maybe you can get something out of him.


Hey guys! Sorry that I took so long updating but I've been pretty busy.

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