13 - Old pals

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Steve POV

"I- I'm not sure..." he replies, and with that a wave of disappointment hits me but also hope. Hope that deep down maybe there's a chance the Bucky I know is still there.

I turn around and walk towards Fury's office and knock on the door.

He lets out a sigh, loud enough for me to hear through the door before saying a deep, "Come in".

I open the door and step inside, getting a greeting from the director and him asking, "how can I help".

I sat down and started explaining the situation saying, " Sir, I have reason to believe that the man Agent Romanoff captured is in fact my friend Seargant Barnes from the 90s, he-"

I was cut of by Fury, him saying, "Yes, I am aware of who that man was, before Hydra. I'm still getting my top agents to figure out your 'friend's' situation Captain. The question is, what do you want to do about it?"

I thought about it for a little under the gaze of the director and decided on a proposition, "What about letting me hold partial custody of him? Maybe show him the things we did back in the day to jog his memory? He's just confused Sir."

"Are you really sure of that Captain?" He asks. I think for a moment and finally decide to nod my head yes. And with that he agrees, telling me the do's and don't's.


I walk towards Bucky's interrogation room and open his door. I sit in the corner of the room, between the shadows until I finally decide to make my presence known. I walk out from the shadows and greet him with a quick nod.

He looks at me, once again with a confused and curious expression.

"Listen, Bucky, Barnes, is there anything you remember before hydra? I knew you before hydra, we were... friends" I say quietly, sadly. He stays silent, watching me. I don't really know how to approach this situation, I mean, I don't know anything about brainwashing except... Natasha.

I run my hand through my hair in frustration that he can't recognise me. I can't let him out of custody if he doesn't know me and won't do as I say...


I walk towards Natasha's room hoping she would agree to help since he was part of the KGB and she hates the organisation with all her guts.

I knock on her door, opening it after hearing her come in.

"Hey, what'd you want Cap," she asked me.

"Well umm, do you wanna...go out for a walk?" I lie terribly. I don't know if she'll help seeing she hates her past and brainwashing was a pretty big part about it from the little that I know...

"You're a terrible liar," she said back to me smirking, "besides we're in the helicarrier."

I stood there unsure of how to respond and decide to just go with the question.

"Well, the so called 'metal armed psycho' happens to be my best friend from the 90s.. but he can't really remember because of the brainwashing... could you maybe..help?" I say.

There was a moment of silence, her considering wether or not to help until she finally said, "yes".

I exclaim great thanks towards her and tell her to come to my room at 1600 which is 40 minutes away.


Being 1635 now, I walk towards Bucky's room. I wait for 2 minutes and that's when I see Natasha.

She nods her head in recognition of me, then continues into the room. I watch her as she walks inside, sitting on the chair across Bucky. She constantly stares at him, never moving, never flinching. I don't know how most interrogations go but I doubt they go like this all the time.

Natasha POV

I stare. I look right into his eyes, never faltering. I know how hard this type of experience is, after all, I was brainwashed, and I managed to become a level 10 S.H.I.E.L.D agent, trust me, hardly anyone gets that high.

After analysing him and picking the very few, minor characteristics of him. I can tell that's he's nervous, scared but also, sadness, all the traits I was expecting.

"So, James Buchanan Barnes. Remember me from before? Well, I'm the Black Widow," I say.

"I know," he said stating the obvious, who wouldn't, it was just to get him more comfortable.

"Look, believe it or not, I was with the KGB before S.H.I.E.L.D, and I was also, like you, brainwashed into their will, now I'm not going to go into detail but I need to know, honestly, what are you trying to do?" I explain.

After a few moments of silence, he decides to speak up.

"I-I'm not too sure," he says looking at the camera. I sense he wants it off and for this to be a one-on-one conversation so I walk out, telling Cap to have the cameras to turned off.

I nod at him waiting for him to continue.

"I don't remember. All I know is, before they brainwashed me again, I escaped, I killed all the people there and when I was trying to get out, you came," he answers.

I nod my head then ask, "What do remember about Steve Rodgers?"

He shakes his head saying, "I-i don't really know. I feel like I know him but, I can't remember anything."

"What else do you remember?"

"Well, I remember some parts of Red Room, KGB, Hydra, - "

I cut him off, "Wait, Red Room? What did you do there?"

"I was a trainer, I trained young girls to fight there," he replies.

"What time period?" I ask.

"Somewhere around the 1950s," he responds.

I nod my head taking in the information.

"Thank you, James," I say, walking out the room. I put the camera back on and leave the room with Steve in tow.

"So, what'd you get?" He asks me.

"Not too much but he did say he feels like he knows you, I'll talk to Fury, I trust him. If you're allowed his custody, do things with him that was very significant for the both of you and hopefully he will have memory relapses," I advise.

Fun fact: Idk which comic it was but in one of them, Natasha is actually a level 10 S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

I know, I know, I never update but I TRY, I'm just really talented in the art of procrastination. I'm going to try my best to write more often... Bai!

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