5 - Mongolia

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Natasha's POV

I head into a jet and I'm off. I sit throughout the flight in silence...since I'm the only one in the jet...

2 hours later...

I'm finally here. Cloaked in the jet, right above the warehouse. Seriously...who uses warehouses as a secret base anymore??? It's soooooo obvious! Anyways.... I steer my jet a few hundred metres from the warehouse and put markers around the place so that I know how to find it later. There was this one time, Clint parked his jet cloaked and couldn't find out where the jet was so he had to randomly start throwing rocks at the cloaked machine. How do I know? I was with him, I put markers around the area but he didn't realise so I just watched him stupidly throw rocks to locate the jet while I laughed at him the whole time. Good times, but now I really need to get him back.

I jump across the roofs surrounding the area to get a better look inside the warehouse. I locate what look like a prison area and a main base and some other places in their 'base'. I jump in and start navigating the area to find the prisoners section. I find the T split way that I previously scouted and go to the right, towards the prisons. Clint had better be in here. I silently run across the hard stone concrete toward their temporary cells and finally spot Clint.

"Clint! Clint!" I yell. I hear him make a soft groan and race to the cell door. I use my stingers to shoot the lock on the cell and run to Clint's side.

"N-n-Nat?" He asks.

"Who else would it be Birdbrain?" I ask smirking. He just groans again. I support him on one side and we start heading out of the base. We encounter no one on our way out. Something was off, why? Why was it so easy? What's their plan here? I just play along and head to the cloaked jet. I buckle Clint into the co-pilot seat and start to head off when I see something. I see a glimpse of a blonde haired lady with green coming from the palm of her hands.

I shake the thought away and make my journey back to base. On my way to base, I ponder to myself about what I had seen. I had no way of knowing. But I just feel it. I know her. But, from where. From where?

I think and think and think until I got it. I know for sure that I have seen her before and now, I think I know where from.

She's from my Red Room days. She betrayed me.

Hi guys! Sorry for the super slow updates but I think I know how the next chapter is gonna be. Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, hopefully my next chapter will be longer and updated in the next week or two. Thanks to everyone reading this and also, Civil War premiere tomorrow! And did anyone get a civil war Pizza Hut box? Too bad I couldn't get one but that's cause I'm in Australia.... Sigh

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