6 - When we first met

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A/N: I'm just gonna put the comic into a not so detailed story from a comic where the little Natalia encounters Enchantress and stuff. It's gonna be quite different since I can't really remember how it goes and I can't re-read it coz I don't have the subscription for MU anymore. So if any of you guys wanna check it out, it's in a series called something along the lines of 'Black Widow and the Marvel girls'. I'm gonna change a bit of it so sorry in advance about that. Okie, enjoy.

Natasha POV
In the helicarrier... (In her room)

What's happening! Why is she back! I don't know what to think! She betrayed me! But she helped me! Why, why does my life have to be so hard.

*flashback - before she got the enhancement, around 8 years old* (she got a substitute super-soldier serum in the comics...)

Natalia POV

I train. In the morning, I train. In the afternoon, I train. In the night, I train. But it's still no good. It's STILL not enough! Ivan's gonna start getting rid of candidates for the Black Widow title. If I continue the way I am, I will not survive the program. I will merely be one of the many targets for the level A candidates. They will kill me in one clean sweep. I am a level C candidate. I must continue to fight, harder and harder if I am to survive in this land.

"Natalia Romanova! Level C, score 82!" Our instructor shouts. I am doomed. I needed a score of 85 to survive. Tomorrow, I will die. Tomorrow, I will be no more. No one will remember me. No one will know me. No one will love me or care for me. Tomorrow I will be nobody. And I will be a nobody that is gone and dead forever. Yes, I want to live. But I have no chance to prove myself anymore. No chance to escape, believe me, I've tried. The more I try, the more I fail and the worse it gets.

I go into my 'room' and just lay back against the wall. I suddenly see green. Green mist. I look closer and get closer to this mysterious green mist. Then someone appears. A tall blonde haired woman with clothes from unlike this earth. I look at her and she stares back.

"Natalia Alianovna Romanova. What a pleasure to meet you."

I just stare at her mouth agape. A woman has just magically appeared in front of me and knows who I am. That is just creepy. I attempt to get a few words out but I'm just too shocked to say anything.

"I know, I know, never have you seen a mortal like me. Well, that is because, puny human, I am no mortal. For I am Asguardian, I am Amora, the Enchantress. You need not cower for I intend to aid you in your petty human troubles." The lady named Enchantress said.

"H-h-how do you know me? How can you help me?.... I..I'm going to die tomorrow." I reply

"Easy, I shall give you a surge of strength, energy and power. I shall then help you escape your captivity from this room of red. You only need trust me." She states.

"Why though. Why would you want to help me of all people?" I question.

"Simple. Asguard is too boring for me. I wanted to travel and explore the universe, go into a different realm and I found this realm on my way, Midguard. And I would appreciate causing trouble and explosions in this land. So, would you like my help?" She asks.

"Fine, I will trust you." I reply confidently but internally unsure.

"Splendid. So, I shall help you escape by giving you the ability to do much more than before for an amount of time, then I will unlock your cell for you and you will run out of the base somewhere. I'll be covering your back and remember, don't stop running. Understood?" She says.

"Understood." I reply nodding.

"Very well. Let us begin." She tells me. I am beyond excited now!

Now, I had a strange feeling. A tingling sensation of some sort, in my heart, surging throughout my entire body. It feels good. I feel stronger. And then I realise, this is my time to run. Out of this prison, this so called 'home'. The door then flings open and I begin my journey to escape. I know this place inside and out. Every room, every corridor, every crack in the wall. I go out of my cell and run, the run for my life.

I run to my left, and meet the guard I was expecting to be posted and am able to eliminate him in 4 seconds. This boost is great! I continue forward, eliminating guards as I go and I'm finally out of the building. But now there's the land I have to cover to escape from the fences. I'm not too sure how I'm going to get through it but I'm sure Enchantress will help me get through it. She's been behind me the whole time after all. Still is.

Ok, no time to let my mind wander, I need to get out! This is my very last chance.

"Run, keep running!", she shouts at me.

Then I hear an explosion, I turn my head around for a millisecond and see trucks and different parts of the base on fire and trucks being blown up, flipping around. But, I also see a squad of the red room's elite guards/soldiers. I keep on running and reach the fence. I spot a little hole in the fence and try to fit through but am unable to.

"Enchantress! Enchantress! I can't get through! How do I get through?!", I start to panic. "How do I get through!"

She then disappears in a cloud of yellow and green. Now I'm screwed. I'm doomed! Not long after she vanished the guards come towards me in a sprint. They grab hold of me and were about to shoot me when Ivan came in.

"Stop!", he commanded. He looks at me with the creepiest grin a man could pull and slaps me! I want to protest but that would do me no good so I just stand there like an idiot looking on the ground.

"I knew you had talent Romanova. You have potential. You just never had the right kind of motivation. Now, I know what you need." He smiles his creepy grin again, takes the gun from the guard, turns it around and he hi-....

20 minutes later...

I wake up in my 'room' and realise the last thing that happened was that I got hit in the head. Then I remember enchantress. But, I'm still alive?

Then I see the same green and yellow from before, once again appearing in front of me. It's her, she's back and she betrayed me!

"What do you want!? You tricked me! You said that you would help me escape and live!", I whisper-shout. < if that's a thing...

"Calm down you pathetic mortal. You might not have escaped but I did allow you to live. Your leader has granted an extension towards your life. He thinks that because of the temporary energy I gave you, he thinks you have potential. Now, I will be going back to Asguard. Farewell mortal.", she explains.

Then, she once again vanishes. I guess, what she said is true. I mean, if she never came to me. I wouldn't still be alive. Now I just need to work really really hard to be the best black widow there can be. I will work to bring glory to mother Russia.

*flashback ends*

Hope u enjoyed the chapter, it's longer than usual so my upcoming chapters will be shorter. Plz comment or DM anything you guys want to see in the story thx. Oh yea and I forgot to mention. They were talking in Russian. Do you guys want me to put Russian in here by the way? Just tell me in comments. Thx for reading >_< oh yea, I'm watching civil war 14th May 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I was meant to watch it earlier but now I can't 😭😭😭 I'm gonna be drowned in spoilers... Btw quick fact 😭😭😭 is my favourite emoji! It's so important in my everyday typing. Ok, idk y I said that but yea.... This is kinda boring so I'll stop... Bye.

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